Thursday, April 7, 2022

The Democrats and Elites Have a Disaster Brewing With Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Some Crazy Theories! Maybe Not So Crazy!!


Democrats, the media and the elites are in a pickle of a mess.  Joe Biden, the dementia stricken blob installed in the White House by the elites via massive election fraud, is a total embarrassment domestically and internationally.  He can't even read the teleprompter without screwing up and his gaffes are now numerous and legendary.  The 'President' of the United States of America is the laughing stock of the world. It's truly cringeworthy!  Yes, he belongs in a nursing home or maybe even a facility for the criminally insane!!  Biden is just a sick old man who is GONE. 

I never doubted that Biden was expected to be a TEMPORARY president and that Kamala Harris would be 'groomed' to replace him and make history by becoming America's first female president AND a woman of color at that.  Sorry Hillary, you are DONE and will never be anybody's president. 

Well, Kamala isn't working out too well.  Despite being a youthful 57 years of age with a creepy boss turning 80 in November, Kamala is proving to be a bigger disaster than Joe.  She's clearly flunked her grooming and her popularity is lower than whale shit and continues to sink.  Nobody likes her.  I call her Giggles because everytime she opens her mouth, she bursts into giggling and laughter.  This is a symptom of an individual who laughs when they have no answers or clear thoughts on an issue or question.  LOL, it seems that Kamala has giggled her way through life when she wasn't sleeping her way to high office. 

What will the elites do?  With Biden and Harris making a total mockery out of the positions of President and Vice President, arranging an untimely demise for them is something that has undoubtedly crossed the mind of the elites.  Biden could easily use his well documented medical issues as a tool of retirement/resignation but Harris is more complicated but when the elites are determined to get rid of somebody, it's always doable.  Unfortunately, Nancy Pelosi is third in line for the presidency and she's a worse disaster than Biden and Harris. At 82, octogenerian Pelosi is hardly electable in a general election and if there is one thing that is consuming the elites right now it's Donald Trump in 2024. 

Oh yes, remember The Donald? The Donald has a base that loves him and even those who hate him are so disgusted with high gas prices, the crappy Biden economy and crazy social issue nonsense like using our taxpayer funded schools to groom children for sex while forcing them to hate each other with evil doses of Critical Race Theory that Democrat voters just might hold their noses and vote for Orange Man. Besides, the Hispanic and African American vote seems to be weakening with the Dems as they want safe communities and economic opportunities. What most ordinary Americans of all colors want the Dems cannot deliver. 

The governors race in Virgina was indeed instructive on many levels.  The Dems lost the suburban white vote and voted for Republican Glenn Youngkin.  It was a painful and earth shattering defeat for the Dems but they deserved it.  The Dems were allowing males to pretend that they were females into the LADIES ROOM where they sexually assaulted school girls.  If that wasn't bad enough, they then attempted and failed to cover it up this horror.  

Anyway, the Dems are desperate for someone who can defeat Trump or any Republican for that matter but especially Trump and there just isn't anybody.  While some in the media are fanticizing about a Trump-Clinton re-match in 2024 it's just not looking good for the Hildabeast.  She's too old, too white, too corrupt and with the special prosecutor John Durham suddenly going after her campaign for a multitude of serious improprieties including Russiagate, the elites seem determine NOT to resurrect her ambition to become POTUS even though it's something she views as her manifest destiny.  Hillary brings nothing to the table except scandal after scandal as well as massive doses of victimhood and perpetual whinning.

So what is an elite strategist thinking?  There may be only one way out of their dilemma.  Allow the Republicans to retake the House in November midterms.  Yes, after 2020 we now know that all elections are rigged.   Then make a nice establishment neocon Republican who is practically a Democrat anyway Speaker of the House.  That would be Representative Kevin McCarthy, a guy who is just a California bred Bushbot.  He's definitely elitist approved and a notorious Rino. 

With a Speaker McCarthy firmly planted as Master of the House, the elites can then work on dispatching Joe and Kamala to retirement or well...whatever.  The only critical goal is to put the Republicans Rinos back in the saddle at least temporarily and neuter the handful of truly conservative Congress Critters.  

The big neutering prize of course would be Trump.  Stopping Trump is critical because it also stops his populist base, something that has become a huge thorn in the side of those arrogant Rino rat bastard Republicans.  

The RNC and Republican Party are generally Trump hating and they haven't forgotten how Trump literally squashed heavily funded and heavenly delivered Jeb Bush in the 2016 primary.  It was a humilitating defeat for the Bush family, a political family I've always detested, and the Republican establishment. Not only did The Donald smack them good and hard, he raised a loud and passionate base of working class populists.  Let's face it, the working class in America has always been royally stiffed and Trump gave them a voice and a seat at the table. For Trump the working class was multi cultural and colorful: blacks, whites, browns...just everybody.  Trump wanted them all to succeed and live the American dream.

The elites, the Republicans and Democrats have one critical goal: slay Trumpism and his populism once and for all and silence those pesky voters who want to believe that their votes count and things can change for the benefit of the working class.  

Once a long, long time ago the workers in America got a fairer share of the wealth pie but their share has been shrinking significantly while oligarch power has increased along with a massive allocation of wealth going to them alone and nobody else.  Well, the bankster and MIC always get their cut of a debauched and dying dollar that has further trashed the working class proletariat by reducing the purchasing power of their fiat greenbacks. 

One thing is certain. Honest elections will never again happen in America, at least not until the election fraud perps have been brought to justice for the crime of literally destroying We the People democracy with fraudulent ballots, ballot harvesting and counting the votes of the dead. The elites/globalists are very much in control. Creeps like Zuckerberg literally control election outcomes.  

Anyway, the elites care about one thing: POWER. Trump kinda messed with them and they used the evil media to knife him in the back and yes they had a ton of support from Republicans. They want Trump GONE and they also seek to neutralize the populists in the Republican Party like Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Green.

BTW, I'm not a Trump fan but an independent who mostly votes 3rd party but I did vote for Trump because he was the least lethal electable option and for this antiwar activist the Hildabeast needed to be defeated.  Rand Paul was my choice for president, still is but I'm also wild about FL Gov. DeSantis.  He seems exceptional logical, practical and he delivers to the folks in Florida without all the melodrama of Trump. 

As much as I dislike Trump because of his bloviating ego and total lack of humility, I wasn't unhappy with his presidency.  Trump didn't start any new wars, he tried to wind down existing wars and he focused on restoring manufacturing in America.  Manufacturing has always been the mothers milk of working class and middle class prosperity because it elevates them from burger flipping jobs and minimum wage poverty. 

So where is the Republican Party? It's back to elite/rino control of the Republican Party vs. populist control of the Republican Party. The elites HATE the populists and antiwar folks.

Yes, the battle is raging for the soul of the Republican Party.  This is one war that is far from over. Frankly, I'm never optimistic that Republican primary voter will ever vote for liberty; they seem addicted to creeps like Lindsay Graham and MitchMcConnell.  Are Republican voters just too dumb to understand that they hold the power to just fire the Rinos in the primaries?  Do they even want to?  History screams NO but the times they are a changin and opportunity continues to knock.....