Friday, December 14, 2012

How the States Lost Their Sovereignty and 10th Amendment Rights: Revenue Sharing

Ever wonder how the states lost their sovereignty and 10th amendment rights?  As folks opine over the massive concentration of wealth and power in the DC District of Crime, they need not look any further than Fedzilla's ultimate power grab - revenue sharing.  Once the federal government started handing out money to the states, the states became compliant beggars at Uncle Sam's table.  Astute folks who analyze the pathetic State of the Union generally conclude that revenue sharing resulted in the beginning of the end of the Republic.  The states are now dependent on Fedzilla for an astronomical amount of what they spend.

Federal Aid to State Budgets
Mississippi tops the list with 49% of its general revenue coming from Washington; Alaska, by contrast, gets only 24% of its general revenue from the feds.
Much of this federal money directly funds state run Medicaid programs, other socialist programs as well as transportation and other projects.


  1. Exactly! The minute the states signed the contract to take fed funds, they were no longer sovereign!

  2. Is it really a bad thing that States get some revenue help from the Federal government ? It is doubtful that we would have these programs if it were not for funding help from the Feds. Do you really think we would be better off without these programs ? I have a hunch that if you were the victim of a hurricane or some other natural disaster, you would be happy to accept a helping hand from them. Or maybe even be able to make some money as a result .

  3. as a victim of a recent hurricane, I only wish I had back the taxes that were coerced from me to pay for some program you wanted me to provide for you. If I only owned the product of my own labor, I could be whole again. Since I do not and your government did exactly nothing to help me and mine, it will be years before we “recover”

  4. Remember, please, the government has not a single dollar that it didn't first take from a living breathing human.

  5. Excellent post, Judy! Unfortunately, we frogs have been slowly boiling to death for generations in a pot of water over a very, very low simmer.
