Thursday, May 9, 2013

Why a Creep Like Lindsay Graham is Sitting Pretty and Probably Won't be Challenged in a Primary

Liberty activists are constantly frustrated by the fact that they can't unseat worthless, warmongering and despicable incumbents in primaries.  Lindsay Graham is a prime example of all that is wrong with our primary and election system, the Republican Party and Republican voters.  Politico did a puff piece on Graham that disclosed a bitter truth, a truth that applies to nearly 100% of Republican incumbents who are nearly impossible to dislodge from their solidly anchored thrones.

Lindsey Graham faces down primary challenge
Graham has repeatedly poked his finger in the eye of the GOP base..... 
Yet a year out from his primary, Graham is in surprisingly good shape. He had over $5.4 million in the bank at the end of March....
Some South Carolina conservatives loathe Graham, and will express as much next year, but right now they’re outnumbered by the ranks of those who like him or at least respect his leadership role. “The 30 percent of the Republicans who don’t like him really don’t like him, but generally speaking Lindsey is very highly regarded back home,” said Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-S.C).
Precisely because the Republican voting base is exceedingly accepting of big government statists and warmongers who stomp on civil liberties, folks like Lindsay Graham are never really threatened.

Then there's the money.  Few challengers have the financial resources or the ability to compete with Graham $5 million plus campaign war chest. reported that the average cost of a US Senate seat is a staggering $10,476,451, or an average of $14,351 that was raised every day during the 2012 election  cycle, here.

Who funds campaign coffers?  Special interests dough owns US elections.  According to Open Secrets, an organization that tracks campaign finance money, Lindsay Graham's top campaign contributors by industry are:

Industry                             Total     Indiv.   PAC

Lawyers/Law Firms$1,026,779$894,529$132,250
Electric Utilities$434,562$225,110$209,452
Real Estate$371,130$341,630$29,500
Securities & Investment$286,208$265,208$21,000
Leadership PACs$233,500$0$233,500
General Contractors$196,538$106,038$90,500
Health Professionals$173,362$104,862$68,500
Commercial Banks$147,710$52,560$95,150
Business Services$146,199$135,699$10,500
Pharmaceuticals/Health Products$141,619$86,619$55,000
Misc Finance$141,163$127,663$13,500
Misc Manufacturing & Distributing$137,380$66,980$70,400
Defense Aerospace$132,100$24,600$107,500
Hospitals/Nursing Homes$129,936$51,936$78,000


While it's true that the American people are mostly clueless about campaign finance, they also fail to comprehend that our election system is rigged for the exclusive benefit of special interests and corporations and certainly not for the benefit of We the People.  We the People haven't been a part of the process for decades.

Once you understand campaign finance, you also understand why folks like Lindsay Graham can give We the People the birdie.  After all, he's been bought and paid for and all with the blessing of the Sheeple People voters.

For more on our corrupt to the core election system, see:

The Rot, the Stench and the Filth of Campaign Finance & How to Fix It

1 comment:

  1. I find it especially intriguing that we don’t need to know how it works to tell it what we want it to do. You’ve got an instinctive inner intelligence that already knows what it needs to, operating in every one of the trillions of cells in your body. Your objective is to communicate positive and meaningful messages to it. There are many ways to do this, and fundamental among them is a shift in attitude.
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