Saturday, June 4, 2022

Facebook Cheats its Advertisers by Inflating the Number of Users & Social Media Activity

After Elon Musk disclosed that Twitter's bots and fake users are probably understated and understated by a lot, he was also indicating that Twitter had probably been overstating its value while possibly even defrauding its advertisers with fake data.  I got to thinking that if Twitter is doing it, then Facebook must also be doing it.

Having been active on Facebook and Twitter for over ten years, I've been singled out for persecution..I'm used to it. I'm not even a Republican, just a ferocious liberty activist, antiwar activist and Constitutionalist.  Yes, I rage against endless wars, neocons, big bad government, corrupt federal agencies, the CIA, Police State USA, open borders, surveillance, the Military Industrial Complex and the wholesale slaughter of civil liberties.

I was permanently banned by Twitter in Dec. 2021 and protested but to no avail. When Elon Musk bought a chunk of Twitter I again protested the decision to permanently ban me and got reinstated. Well kind of...I'm mostly banned from following anybody including folks who follow me. Facebook and Twitter both aggressively utilize the shadowban to neuter and neutralize folks who flatout reject Fauci dictates, COVID truth, Joe Biden, the Green New Deal, gun confiscation etc. 

WE DO NOT EXIST except in the context of Facebook and Twitter monetizing literally invisible folks who have for all practical purposes been erased from social media. 

Anyway, I'm not complaining about social media persecution.  I believe there is a much bigger story going on here and that this story is one the biggest financial frauds in US history. I actually defend the right of FB to permanently ban me...I WISH IT WOULD and BTW, I NEVER violated any rules, community standards or ever posted anything even remotely resembling hate and intolerance.

That said, FB won't permanently ban me and tens of millions (maybe hundreds of millions) who use social media to protest injustice, foreign policy, genocides and egregious abuses of civil liberties by Fedzilla. 

WHY? When the Elon Musk BOT light bulb went off and Twitter was exposed as some kind of a bot factory...fake people, fake was clear that Twitter's management was definitely hiding SOMETHING. 

Back to Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg has literally been monetizing the folks he viciously censors. Social media activity is driven by likes, shares, comments. It's this activity that drives advertising rates. Advertising is simple: the more people who watch the Super Bowl, the higher the ad rates. Facebook activity is not only an ad generator but a critical determinant of ad pricing.

By artificially inflating FB activity and real FB users (not those censored out of existence via algorithms), FB is literally defrauding its advertisers. Advertisers are paying to reach folks who cannot be reached because of algorithms and censorship.

Banning folks on social media may be the legal right of Facebook even if it's politically motivated but running a fraud factory is not.

Obviously, I'm laying out some very serious allegations and can't prove a damn thing but I strongly suspect I'm right. Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook are so evil that they are monetizing those they have neutered and neutralized. While I don't see how that should be legal, proving it will require Elon Musk style geek power. It's definitely doable even if outright lying about manipulated data is a complicated issue.

Of course I'd be thrilled if somebody sunk their teeth into this story because I believe there is a blockbuster story here. The financial victims are FB's advertisers but FB users, especially conservative users, are pawns in FB's game to defraud its advertisers.

However, I personally oppose banning Facebook from permanently banning me. OKAY, I accept that it's run Nazi Wokesters who have every right to run the company as it likes. Zuckerberg hired them because they are first amendment hating totalitarian thugs. I don't want to change's there business.

HOWEVER, what I think we need is a ban on using algorithms as a method of censorship and believe me it's pretty severe censorship and it's wrong. Ban me but don't censor me and then have the unmitigated gall to monetize that censorship by robbing your own revenue producing customers. Not only is the censorship an insidious form of tyranny, it utterly destroys the incredible potential of social media to be a platform for honest public debate and discussion. When the social media censorship is politicized to favor one political ideology over all others, that is an egregious abuse of power and a big step into totalitarianism. We've seen this censorship as it relates to COVID and COVID vaccines. Honest doctors were purged as was high quality research. Any COVID view that conflicted with the Anthony Fauci view was specifically targeted and purged as disinformation and misinformation. Again, it was an egregious abuse of power by Fauci, the CDC, FDA, other government agencies, the media and medical associations. 

Although many are advocating for government control of social media, as an advocate for free markets, I oppose government regulation of social media; it would indeed be more draconian than what we already have. However, I'd certainly welcome the free market death of companies that I view as evil fraudsters.  

Facebook Revenue and Usage Statistics (2022) is HERE. FB is a huge company with over 100 billion in revenue. If a percentage of those revenues were derived from fraud, that's significant and advertisers could sue. 

A quick engine search produced some valuable data validating what I and many others suspect. 

Facebook Small Advertisers Win Class-Action Status in Fraud Suit  03/30/2022 

A lawsuit accusing Meta Platforms Inc.’s Facebook of overstating its advertising audience got a lot bigger Tuesday when a court expanded the pool of plaintiffs to include more than 2 million small ad buyers.  


Dismissing what he called a “blunderbuss of objections” by the company, a federal judge in San Francisco ruled that the case can proceed as a class action on behalf of small business owners and individuals who bought ads on Facebook or Instagram since Aug. 15, 2014. 

The decision is another setback for the social networking giant after court filings in 2021 revealed that its audience-measuring tool was known by high-ranking Facebook executives to be unreliable because it was skewed by fake and duplicate accounts.

The Facebook fraud story is out there and has been percolating for a while and Facebook has paid out settlements for previous fraud allegations. 

Finally, I absolutely believe this is a hugely significant story that needs to explode.  MSM isn't reporting on it because they will do whatever it takes to protect Facebook.  Intrestingly, Facebook's Chief Operating Officer of 14 years, Sheryl Sandberg, very recently resigned, here.  There is no way that Sandberg wasn't aware of the fraud allegations and she may have been one of its masterminds.  Sandberg's 2021 compensation was over $35 million.  Zuckerberg has made her a very rich lady.  

But it gets way more interesting. 

Billionaire Sheryl Sandberg Has Unloaded More Than 90% Of Her Facebook Stock Over The Past Decade June 2022 

What does she know?  Is Mark Zuckerberg the biggest financial fraudster in US history? Is Facebook about to blow under a cloud of fraud accusations? 

The shit's getting REAL and Facebook's stockholders have a right to know.  They also are victims.  

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