Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Exterminating Humanity with Water, Food and Medication

When folks who are active in the alternate media speak of the New World Order and disclose its draconian anti-human agenda, government and media elites start shrieking 'conspiracy theory' as they attempt to perpetuate the propaganda myth that the elites and government are indeed humble servants of the people who are devoted to loving them and taking caring for them from the cradle to the grave.  While such statist propaganda is a proven Big Fail as evidenced by the documented fact that collectivism managed to kill 100 million folks during the 20th century alone and mostly through starvation and the collectivization of agriculture (denying folks the right to produce life sustaining food), the delusion of government as a kindly and loving god continues despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

The New World Order agenda does indeed vigorously address the need to depopulate the earth and the advocates for massive human depopulation are quite up front about revealing their Malthusian goals.  Thomas Malthus, 1776-1834, put forth the theory that the earth has finite resources and that the human urge to procreate would create so many folks as to outstrip the ability of the planet to feed the human hoards, here and here.  Malthus and his followers also believe that the planet can only sustain 1-2 billion folks without significant planetary destruction.

As the world's population approaches 7 billion folks, the NWO planners are out of the closet and in high gear.

David Attenborough - Humans are plague on Earth
Humans are a plague on the Earth that need to be controlled by limiting population growth, according to Sir David Attenborough.

The television presenter said that humans are threatening their own existence and that of other species by using up the world’s resources.

He said the only way to save the planet from famine and species extinction is to limit human population growth.

We are a plague on the Earth. It’s coming home to roost over the next 50 years or so. It’s not just climate change; it’s sheer space, places to grow food for this enormous horde. Either we limit our population growth or the natural world will do it for us, and the natural world is doing it for us right now,” he told the Radio Times.

Sir David, who is a patron of the Optimum Population Trust, has spoken out before about the “frightening explosion in human numbers” and the need for investment in sex education and other voluntary means of limiting population in developing countries.
Calling humanity a 'plague on the Earth' is very strong language that clearly reeks of a blatant, shameless and utter contempt for humanity.  Sir David Attenborough, a pampered and privileged member of the British ruling aristocracy, isn't alone in his believes.

‘Population Bomb’ scientist: ‘Nobody’ has the right to ‘as many children as they want’
A Stanford professor and author of the Population Bomb recently published a paper in a scientific journal re-emphasizing climate change and population growth pose existential threats to humanity and in an interview with Raw Story said that giving people the right to have as many children as they want is “a bad idea.”

“The only criticism we’ve had on the paper is that it’s too optimistic,” said Paul Ehrlich, Bing professor of population studies at Stanford University and president of the Center for Conservation Biology. “You can’t negotiate with nature.”

The study, published the Proceedings of the Royal Society B journal earlier this month says that climate change is “driven by overpopulation, overconsumption of natural resources and the use of unnecessarily environmentally damaging technologies and socio-economic-political arrangements to service Homo sapiens‘ aggregate consumption.”
Such sentiments haven't been echoed since the Nazis embarked on a racist campaign to purge the earth of non-Aryrans because the Nazis considered themselves racially superior to all other human beings who were dubbed sub-humans.  World War II resulted in the deaths of at least 50-60 million folks.

Unfortunately for humanity, most of the suffering world lives under the rule of a hideous marriage union between corporations and government bureaucrats.  The marriage of big government and powerful corporations has resulted in a concentration of power and wealth that never existed throughout human history, until now.

Unlike the ruthless tactics of Mao and Stalin that included outright murder, shipping folks off to forced labor camps and planned starvation, the modern power mad psychopath has at his fingertips science and technology.  Basically, the NWO Malthusian elites have hatched a plan to squash human population growth rather than outright exterminate the undesirable human hoards through murder and genocide.  The plan includes using water, food and pharmacology as weapons of mass human depopulation, along with other means that may include forced sterilization and forced abortion.

The modern eugenics movement is a Malthusian offshoot. In the circles of politicians, powerful moneyed folks, bureaucrats and the elites, they are consumed with Malthusian ideology. John Holdren, a latter day Malthusian and one of Obama’s czars has advocated for forced sterilization, abortion and population control. Holdren’s book, A Planetary Regime, echoes his ideological commitment to a global governing body that controls all aspects of life. Holdren has said:
Indeed, it has been concluded that compulsory population-control laws, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion, could be sustained under the existing Constitution...

Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple foods is a suggestion that seems to horrify people
Holdren goes on to attack human reproductive choices and his chilling agenda strips away anything that even remotely resembles subtlety in his ruthless advocacy of a totalitarian global government:
Individual rights must be balanced against the power of the government to control human reproduction….yet neither the Declaration of Independence nor the Constitution mentions a right to reproduce…
Perhaps those agencies combined with UNEP and the United Nations Populations agencies – might eventually be developed into a Planetary Regime – sort of an international superagency for population, resources and environment. Such a comprehensive Planetary Regime could control the development, administration and distribution of all natural resources……The Regime might also be a logical agency for control all international trade…and including all food on the international market.
The Planetary Regime might be given responsibility for determining optimum population for the world.
Such repugnant and immoral ideology that embraces a totalitarian planet under one rule are key elements of not only the Obama Administration but every Democrat and Republican regime ever elected in recent decades. While the Democrats and liberals may be more open, Republicans quietly fund public-private research that funds Frankenfood and the marriage of big government with big business. The UN and its “culling the human population” dreamers are not without power and lavish public funding.

Furthermore, none of these draconian schemes could be hatched without government funding.

No business in a free market world would ever make the decision to invest in people killing technology and science simply because they would be restricted by the allocation of precious capital into something that consumers want and will voluntarily pay for. For sure, consumers would never voluntarily choose to ingest anything that will make them sterile or diseased or dead. But with the deadly marriage of big government and big business, a shadow government is in operation and federal agencies like the FDA and others shield the truth from the American people while actively promoting and funding horrors not witnessed since the Nazi’s ruled Europe.

Genetically engineered foods are expected to play a significant role in human depopulation.

Potential Health Hazards of Genetically Engineered Foods
Genetically engineered foods saturate our diet today. In the US alone, over 80% of all processed foods contain them. Others include grains like rice, corn and wheat; legumes like soybeans and soy products; vegetable oils, soft drinks; salad dressings; vegetables and fruits; dairy products including eggs; meat, chicken, pork and other animal products; and even infant formula plus a vast array of hidden additives and ingredients in processed foods (like in tomato sauce, ice cream, margarine and peanut butter). Consumers don't know what they're eating because labeling is prohibited, yet the danger is clear. Independently conducted studies show the more of these foods we eat, the greater the potential harm to our health.

Today, consumers are kept in the dark and are part of an uncontrolled, unregulated mass human experiment the results of which are unknown. Yet, the risks are enormous, it will take years to learn them, and when we finally know it'll be too late to reverse the damage if it's proved conclusively that genetically engineered foods harm human health as growing numbers of independent experts believe. Once GM seeds are introduced to an area, the genie is out of the bottle for keeps. There is nothing known to science today to reverse the contamination already spread over two-thirds of arable US farmland and heading everywhere unless checked.

This is happening in spite of the risk because of what F. William Engdahl revealed in his powerfully important, well documented book titled "Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation." It's the diabolical story of how Washington and four Anglo-American agribusiness giants plan world domination by patenting animal and vegetable life forms to gain worldwide control of our food supply, make it all genetically engineered, and use it as a weapon to reward friends and punish enemies.

Today, consumers eat these foods daily without knowing the potential health risks. In 2003, Jeffrey Smith explained them in his book titled "Seeds of Deception." He revealed that efforts to inform the public have been quashed, reliable science has been buried, and consider what happened to two distinguished scientists - UC Berkeley's Ignacio Chapela and former Scotland Rowett Research Institute researcher and world's leading lectins and plant genetic modification expert, Arpad Pusztai. They were vilified, hounded, and threatened for their research, and in the case of Pusztai, fired from his job for doing it.
The NWO planners are not just focused on adding sterilants to the water and producing dangerous GMO foods that make folks sick or even sterile, Big Pharm is also a key player in the game to reduce human populations through mandatory vaccinations and other medications.  The government takeover of health care has long been a goal of the Malthusians.

The ideological framework of Obamacare is based on the Complete Lives System that was devised by the physician brother of Rahm Emanuel, Dr. Ezekial Manuel and it's dubbed The Reaper Curve.

Dr. Emanuel’s Reaper Curve is a healthcare model based upon the allocation of resources depending on where one falls within the bell curve of maximum societal usefulness. Right off the bat, the worth of the young and the old are marginalized. The complete live system is defined by Dr. Emanuel in the context that the young and the old are expendable and not worthy of resources because "Adolescents have received substantial education and parental care, investments that will be wasted without a complete life. Infants, by contrast, have not yet received these investments”. He advocates for what he calls "to provide socially sustainable, cost-effective care." Defining medical care as an “intervention”, the elitist Dr. Emanuel doesn’t believe that the young are worthy of medical care, or the aging or old.

Betsy McCaughey, a former Lt. Governor in New York State, elaborates on Dr. Emanuel's health care proposals in a Wall Street Journal piece titled Obama's Health Rationer-in-Chief.

Interestingly, nowhere does Dr. Emanuel even suggest or discuss the possibility that citizens should be free to pursue and fund their own healthcare option. The implication is that the entire healthcare apparatus in America will absolutely be seized by the federal government and services disbursed according to the state’s desires. Those deemed no longer useful because of their advancing age, infant status or illness will be expendable and deemed not worthy of medical resources. The last nation that seriously attempted this type of the “culling of the masses” was Nazi Germany.

The folks who are deluded into supporting the takeover of healthcare by government fail to recognize that such powers should never be granted to any government. Of course, many like Dr. Emanuel understand precisely what is being done and why.

More alarming is the brutal reality that government planners and statisticians only think in terms of the collective, never the individual, and they are perennially focused on their desired goal which is strict cost controls and Malthusian population reductions. Dr. Emanuel “chastises physicians for thinking only about their own patient's needs.” Well, what the heck is the patient-doctor relationship all about if it’s not about the patient’s own needs? Are we supposed to visit government doctors and bureaucrats to get an official determination relative to whether or not a government intervention is warranted as it relates to whether we are deemed fit to live according to the “complete lives system”?

I fear so.

If the American people decide turn their lives, liberty and health over to government, they are effectively consenting to being put into the great vat of the collective wherein the value of their life is purely utilitarian, arbitrary, subject to bureaucratic whim and on target with the totalitarian master plan. If we consent to such a horror, we forsake the essence of our humanity.

Whether through water, food, medications or the government healhcare system, the NWO Malthusians and totalitarian thugs are ferociously committed to achieving their goals. However, the situation has taken a most bizarre turn as it dives straight into a more sinister and devious plot. Globalresearch.ca published a piece on its website dated December 4, 2007 that should shock the living daylights out of anybody.

Doomsday Seed Vault” in the Arctic
Bill Gates, Rockefeller and the GMO giants know something we don’t.

No project is more interesting at the moment than a curious project in one of the world’s most remote spots, Svalbard. Bill Gates is investing millions in a seed bank on the Barents Sea near the Arctic Ocean, some 1,100 kilometers from the North Pole. Svalbard is a barren piece of rock claimed by Norway and ceded in 1925 by international treaty...

The seed bank is being built inside a mountain on Spitsbergen Island near the small village of Longyearbyen. It’s almost ready for ‘business’ according to their releases. The bank will have dual blast-proof doors with motion sensors, two airlocks, and walls of steel-reinforced concrete one meter thick. It will contain up to three million different varieties of seeds from the entire world, ‘so that crop diversity can be conserved for the future,’ according to the Norwegian government. Seeds will be specially wrapped to exclude moisture. There will be no full-time staff, but the vault's relative inaccessibility will facilitate monitoring any possible human activity.

Did we miss something here? Their press release stated, ‘so that crop diversity can be conserved for the future.’ What future do the seed bank’s sponsors foresee, that would threaten the global availability of current seeds, almost all of which are already well protected in designated seed banks around the world?

Anytime Bill Gates, the Rockefeller Foundation, Monsanto and Syngenta get together on a common project, it’s worth digging a bit deeper behind the rocks on Spitsbergen. When we do we find some fascinating things.

The first notable point is who is sponsoring the doomsday seed vault. Here joining the Norwegians are, as noted, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; the US agribusiness giant DuPont/Pioneer Hi-Bred, one of the world’s largest owners of patented genetically-modified (GMO) plant seeds and related agrichemicals; Syngenta, the Swiss-based major GMO seed and agrichemicals company through its Syngenta Foundation; the Rockefeller Foundation, the private group who created the “gene revolution with over $100 million of seed money since the 1970’s; CGIAR, the global network created by the Rockefeller Foundation to promote its ideal of genetic purity through agriculture change.

Genetically engineering a master race?

Now the Svalbard Seed Bank begins to become interesting. But it gets better. ‘The Project’ I referred to is the project of the Rockefeller Foundation and powerful financial interests since the 1920’s to use eugenics, later renamed genetics, to justify creation of a genetically-engineered Master Race. Hitler and the Nazis called it the Ayran Master Race.

The eugenics of Hitler were financed to a major extent by the same Rockefeller Foundation which today is building a doomsday seed vault to preserve samples of every seed on our planet. Now this is getting really intriguing. The same Rockefeller Foundation created the pseudo-science discipline of molecular biology in their relentless pursuit of reducing human life down to the ‘defining gene sequence’ which, they hoped, could then be modified in order to change human traits at will. Hitler’s eugenics scientists, many of whom were quietly brought to the United States after the War to continue their biological eugenics research, laid much of the groundwork of genetic engineering of various life forms, much of it supported openly until well into the Third Reich by Rockefeller Foundation generous grants.

The same Rockefeller Foundation created the so-called Green Revolution, out of a trip to Mexico in 1946 by Nelson Rockefeller and former New Deal Secretary of Agriculture and founder of the Pioneer Hi-Bred Seed Company, Henry Wallace.

The Green Revolution purported to solve the world hunger problem to a major degree in Mexico, India and other select countries where Rockefeller worked. Rockefeller Foundation agronomist, Norman Borlaug, won a Nobel Peace Prize for his work, hardly something to boast about with the likes of Henry Kissinger sharing the same.

In reality, as it years later emerged, the Green Revolution was a brilliant Rockefeller family scheme to develop a globalized agribusiness which they then could monopolize just as they had done in the world oil industry beginning a half century before. As Henry Kissinger declared in the 1970’s, ‘If you control the oil you control the country; if you control food, you control the population.’

Agribusiness and the Rockefeller Green Revolution went hand-in-hand. They were part of a grand strategy which included Rockefeller Foundation financing of research for the development of genetic engineering of plants and animals a few years later.
This stuff is so utterly mindboggling that if one read it in a science fiction novel one would conclude that the plot was so off the wall whacky as to lack any credibility whatsoever. However, what isn’t even believable in the genre of science fiction is being vigorously but quietly implemented. But not only are these weird and seemingly incomprehensible shenanigans actually occurring, they are occurring beyond the radar of humanity, public knowledge, media disclosure and scrutiny.

You gotta wonder about this mysterious “Doomsday Seed Vault” buried deep within the Arctic. What precisely are they planning for? Obviously, they are planning for a “post catastrophe or post second Holocaust” world and perhaps not even one born of a natural disaster but one carried out with deliberate intent. Humans can voluntarily reject a lot of things but they cannot reject ingesting water and food or they will die.

Giving the government, its mad scientists and corporatist lackeys monopolistic control over the world’s food supplies and water is a recipe for human disaster. The probability of the occurrence of a single event or series of events that substantially reduces human population is magnified exponentially when one understands the ideological roots of the Malthusian enthusiasts and their vast and unaccountable powers.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Liberal Racists Freak Out and Accuse 2nd Amendment of Being Racist

Of all the lying, devious and incomprehensible nonsense being uttered after the Sandy Hook tragedy, none are more blatantly and overtly racist than the verbal vomit gushing from liberal anti-liberty websites, news sites and blogs. If anything, liberals are once again proving beyond any shadow of a doubt that they believe that African Americans aren't worthy of constitutional rights nor are they worthy of the right to defend themselves and their families against violent predators. To avoid the issue of the right to bear arms, anti-gun liberals are attempting to concoct a hideously false paradigm that the 2nd amendment itself is racist and was specifically added to the bill of rights to guarantee the perpetuation of slavery.

The Second Amendment was Ratified to Preserve Slavery
The real reason the Second Amendment was ratified, and why it says "State" instead of "Country" (the Framers knew the difference - see the 10th Amendment), was to preserve the slave patrol militias in the southern states, which was necessary to get Virginia's vote.
What liberals fail to grasp or even acknowledge about the Constitution and the Bill of rights in particular is that the Bill of Rights was added as specific prohibitions against federal powers to encroach on state powers.   Gun rights and the right to bear arms were so sacrosanct that they were one of numerous reasons for the  American Revolution because the British did indeed disarm Americans.

If you thought Sandy Hook was bad, the British massacres of disarmed colonists were far worse
The first incident that foreshadowed the brutality that was to come occurred on March 5, 1770, in Massachusetts. Labeled the "Incident on King Street," American patriots called it the Boston Massacre....

The first shots of the war were fired between arms-bearing colonial militiamen and British regulars at the battles of Lexington and Concord, in Massachusetts, in which the colonial militia gained the upper hand. The battles did little to the British, however, except strengthen their resolve.

Shortly after the battles British Gen. Thomas Gage, the military governor of Massachusetts and commander-in-chief of the roughly 3,000 British military forces garrisoned in Boston, was ordered to disarm the rebels, who were known to have hidden weapons around Concord, and to imprison the leaders of the rebellion.
Precisely because the British attempted to disarm the people, Americans greatly feared a powerful centralized government and demanded that the powers of the American federal government be specific, limited and clearly enumerated.

Founding father George Mason said:
I ask, who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people, except a few public officers.

Similar statements were made by Founders James Madison and Richard Henry Lee. Mason worried that someday only a privileged class of men would bear arms, resulting in tyranny.

Mason also said: “the best and most effectual way to enslave” a nation is “to disarm the people.
Gun rights are so critically important as a natural right that they are enshrined in the constitutions of all 50 states, here.

For a freaking anti-gun liberal to unequivocally assert that the right to bear arms was based purely on slavery proves their utter contempt for African Americans, their lives and the lives of their families.  What is true, however, is that gun control itself is deeply rooted in racism.

Racist Origins of Gun Control and the War on Drugs
The KKK began as a gun-control organization. Before the Civil War, blacks were never allowed to own guns. During the Civil War, blacks kept guns for the first time – either they served in the Union army and they were allowed to keep their guns, or they buy guns on the open market where for the first time there’s hundreds of thousands of guns flooding the marketplace after the war ends. So they arm up because they know who they’re dealing with in the South. White racists do things like pass laws to disarm them, but that’s not really going to work. So they form these racist posses all over the South to go out at night in large groups to terrorize blacks and take those guns away. If blacks were disarmed, they couldn’t fight back.....

The Ku Klux Klan, Ronald Reagan, and, for most of its history, the NRA all worked to control guns. The Founding Fathers? They required gun ownership—and regulated it. And no group has more fiercely advocated the right to bear loaded weapons in public than the Black Panthers—the true pioneers of the modern pro-gun movement. In the battle over gun rights in America, both sides have distorted history and the law, and there’s no resolution in sight.
Not only are racist anti-gun and anti-natural rights liberals ferociously committed to disarming African Americans, they've built a  monstrous web of anti-natural rights laws to guarantee that African Americans will forever remain unarmed and defenseless. Draconian victimless laws specifically target African Americans and ensnare them in a judicial systems that perpetuates convictions and imprisonment for victimless crimes which, of course, permanently deprives them of their right to bear arms.

However, the racist liberals remain persistent and invoke their hero, Franklin D. Roosevelt, as the poster boy for unfinished gun control.

Franklin Roosevelt: The Father of Gun Control
Gun control is one of the great pieces of unfinished business for the Democratic Party....

Roosevelt’s original proposal for what would become the National Firearms Act of 1934, the first federal gun control law, sought to tax all firearms and establish a national registry of guns. When gun owners objected, Congress scaled down FDR’s proposal to allow only for a restrictive tax on machine guns and sawed-off shotguns, which were thought to be gangster weapons with no usefulness for self-defense.

Congress watered down FDR’s bill because of concerns about maintaining the right of people in rural communities, where there was little police presence, to have handguns for protection—not because of the Second Amendment.
Liberals worship FDR because, among other things, FDR and his NY bankster friends were instrumental in funding and arming the rise of Hitler and Nazism that created WW II and vaporized 50-60 million folks according to the most conservatives estimates of WW II death tolls.

Liberals and the Democratic Party are the Party of Death.  Who got us involved in WW I, WW II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War and the Balkan Wars?  All liberal, progressive Democrats - Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Lyndon Johnson and Bill Clinton.

When it comes to the Party of Death, the Republicans have gladly joined the Democrats and progressives in their lust for devastating and perpetual wars.  The only reason the Republican Party lamely supports the 2nd amendment is because the Republican base consists of avid and determined 2nd amendment advocates.

Meanwhile, liberals continue to opine for the right of the government to kill defenseless folks and anybody else that it perceives as an enemy of the state.  Moreover, liberals adhere to the theory that you have a duty to die when confronted by a violent predator or government official.

A retired Pulitzer Prize winning Democrat journalist for the Des Moines Register actually called for the deaths and/or executions of gun owners in a rant that included declaring the NRA a terrorist organization and repealing the 2nd amendment.

Kaul: Nation needs a new agenda on guns
Repeal the Second Amendment...

Declare the NRA a terrorist organization and make membership illegal...

Make ownership of unlicensed assault rifles a felony. If some people refused to give up their guns, that “prying the guns from their cold, dead hands” thing works for me.
Now that's so liberal, so progressive and so Democratic.  If the Democrats declare you expendable then by golly you are expendable.

If I was African American, I'd be heading straight to the reddest of red states where I'd know that I would absolutely have the right to defending myself and my family against violent predators.  In liberal states, African Americans are sitting ducks.

One final note:  The Black Panthers were absolutely right in their assertion that the government doesn't want African Americans to ever be armed.

America's Porker Kids and the Government that Subsidizes their Obesity and Diseases

Much is being written about the epidemic of America's fat kids.  It's a real tragedy because many of these kids become insulin dependent at very early ages as a result of the food that they consume.  They are also acquiring a lot of serious health problems.

Wow—Obese Kids’ Health Is Much Worse Than We Thought
A large new study finds more health problems for very overweight children in childhood—not just later in life.

We all know the number of American kids who are overweight or obese is at a scandalous rate (childhood obesity rates doubled between 1988 and 2006). But most of us might assume that the really bad health consequences of being very overweight will come later, in adulthood, when numbers for the big killers—heart disease, stroke, and diabetes—peak. And while that is true, there’s now new research showing a much bigger effect of excess weight on kids’ health when they are young.

The new study, which appeared in Academic Pediatrics, was led by Neal Halfon, MD, MPH, director of the UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families, and Communities, in Los Angeles. The research looked at over 43,000 kids ages 10 to 17 around the country and asked about kids’ health issues like asthma, diabetes, and pain, as well as developmental and behavioral issues.
Kids are eating high calorie, low nutrition diets that primarily consist of simple carbohydrates, sugar, corn syrup, fats, sodium, processed foods and GMO foods. Much of what kids eat in the schools is taxpayer funded garbage.  Additionally, much of what is spent on the food stamp programs to feed the poor goes to very unhealthy junk food because subsidizing corporate profits of Big Food trumps a sound nutritional diet.  Even more horrifying is that Migration Information reported that schools actually sell advertising to junk food purveyors by signing “"pouring rights" contracts that permit snack and soft drink companies to advertise to children on school vending machines, scoreboards, book covers, t-shirts, and news programs shown on televisions in the classroom., here.

Only in America do we kill our kids for profit and do it with our tax dollars!!

Type II diabetes is attributable to lifestyle choices, obesity and is considered a lifestyle disease.  It's on the rise in America's children and at an alarming rate.

The Increase of Obesity & Diabetes in Children
In many cases, obesity and diabetes go hand in hand. Diabetes and obesity in children is on the rise....

Children are exposed to several types of instant gratification with foods throughout the day, notes Keep Kids Healthy. Aside from vending machines, unhealthy snacks may also available to students in the cafeteria at school. Some school cafeterias offer a la carte items where the child can create his own lunch with junk food and processed food rather than choosing a healthy pre-planned menu option.
Why are America's kids so unhealthy, fat, sick and diabetic from bad food?  Because the government subsidizes the deadly poison that children consume.  In many ways, it's a double special interest profit center.  Sick kids with government financed lifestyle diseases then become highly profitable customers for Big Pharm and its dangerous drugs.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Pork and Lipstick on the Republican and Democrat Pigs

Although both Republicans and Democrats are responsible for the fiscal carnage that is destroying America and the middle class, the Republicans are focused on blaming it all on Obama and the Democrats while very conveniently ignoring the fact that Bush and Gang added $5 trillion to the big pile of debt that will absolutely impoverish future generations of America.

Granted, everything that Obama has done has only made the situation a whole lot worse but the same could be said about the Republicans in control during the Bush-Cheney reign of fiscal and foreign policy terror.  The recently passed $50 billion plus Hurricane Sandy relief bill is just another classic pork laden congressional bill that is larded up with so much special interest pork that nobody in Congress evens questions the validity of the spending.

Hurricane Sandy Bill Creates Its Own Disaster
The trouble is that the House had an opportunity to pay for the core $17 billion for disaster assistance — but took a pass.

An amendment offered by Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-SC) would have paid for these core provisions with offsetting spending cuts to 1.6 percent of the discretionary budget. But 71 Republicans voted with Democrats to defeat that measure.

“This is truly a shame,” Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson responded. “After all the wrangling on sequestration about reducing the deficit, the moment Congress has a pork-laden bill they refuse to pay for it.”

He said those who refused to pay for the disaster assistance were “hiding behind those most hurt by Hurricane Sandy to facilitate a special interest agenda.”

A claim that is hard to contend with.

Heritage Action noted some of the more egregious pork in the bill: “repairs to the Smithsonian Institution to upgrades to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration airplanes to more funding for the federal government’s epic educational failure known as Head Start, among myriad other extraneous items. The inclusion of $16 billion in wasteful community development funds is also concerning, especially because the Department of Housing and Urban Development estimated it would need a comparatively much smaller $5.2 billion for its ‘unmet needs.’”

Even worse is that more than 94 amendments that might have addressed all this waste were killed by the House Rules Committee, which is run by Republicans.
Why does Congress keep spending money it does't have while running  trillion dollar a year plus deficits that require massive debt?  The short answer is that congress critters are indeed wholly owned subsidiaries of the special interests that fill their campaign coffers.  America is no long a nation "of the people,  by the people and for the people".  America has morphed into hideously fascist statism that exclusively serves special interests and at the top of the pyramid sits defense contractors and banksters.  Unfortunately, America has a long history of doling out special interest pork as eloquently disclosed by Wendy McElroy.

The history of the American pork barrel

The phrase “pork-barrel spending” is said to derive from a practice of antebellum slaveholders; they would give a barrel of salt pork to their slaves, who scrambled and fought with each other for a share. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the term acquired its political meaning in the early 1870s. Webster’s traces the American usage back to the turn of the 20th century.

Advocates draw upon two clauses from article 1, section 8 of the United States Constitution for legitimacy.

The first is called the general-welfare clause. It states, “The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defence and general welfare of the United States.” Pork is said to provide for general welfare, and thus to be permitted by this clause.

The second is the so-called postal clause. It authorizes Congress “to establish post offices and post roads” as a way to expedite interstate communication. This is now construed to give the federal government the power to appropriate money for public works. (The expenses not covered by section 8 were left to the states. The Tenth Amendment later clarified, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution … are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”)

Senator Reid is correct in that pork has been around since the first Congress. Up until the 1980s, however, it was not widespread, and it was often discouraged. Some Founding Fathers were uncomfortable even with the funding of postal roads. In a 1796 letter to James Madison, who is often called the father of the Constitution, Thomas Jefferson argued against the postal clause.

Have you considered all the consequences of your proposition respecting post roads? I view it as a source of boundless patronage to the executive, jobbing to members of Congress & their friends, and a bottomless abyss of public money. You will begin by only appropriating the surplus of the post office revenues; but the other revenues will soon be called into their aid, and it will be a source of eternal scramble among the members, who can get the most money wasted in their State; and they will always get most who are meanest.

The first Congress (1790) authorized pork in the form of $1,500 to complete a lighthouse in Maine, which was then part of Massachusetts. The expenditure had the active support of President George Washington and of Rep. George Thatcher of Massachusetts. On constitutional grounds, however, the same Congress rejected a bill to aid a glass manufacturer. Perhaps the second bill lacked presidential support.

Contrary to Reid’s suggestion, however, pork-barrel spending did not become common practice. The second Congress solidly rejected a cod fishery bill intended to assist New Englanders. The South Carolina representative Hugh Williamson argued that the Constitution had anticipated “the time might come, when, by greater cohesion, by more unanimity, by more address, the representatives of one part of the Union might attempt to impose unequal taxes, or to relieve their constituents at the expense of the people.”

He pointed to constitutional provisions that clearly indicated “Congress might not have the power … to gratify one part of the Union by oppressing another.
The practice of doling out pork, while clearly out of control, was once questioned and debated on constitutional and moral grounds.  These days, there are no such restraints because the Constitution is no longer even relevant and the morality of elected officials is merely a relic of the past.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Oh Shit, What to do with the Shit - the USDA vs. the EPA on Government Control of Dairies

Humans have been composting cow and horse manure for eons because it's the mothers milk of organic fertilizers and a black gold that was once cherished by farmers before dangerous chemical fertilizers became widely used.  However, the USDA and the EPA are apparently embroiled in a turf war over the issue.

EPA threatens Wash. State dairies over manure
But USDA says EPA is full of manure.

“[USDA] criticism of EPA states that the reviewer is ‘…highly skeptical of [EPA conclusions] based on their testing methods, procedures, and interpretations of these recorded throughout the report. The report is filled with considerable errors and calculations and interpretations that “…cannot be scientifically defended to arrive at the stated conclusions’.”
The EPA is attempting to assert control over dairy farms in Washington under the pretext that nature made manure poses a potentially dangerous threat to the water supply.

EPA vs. NRCS: Whom Do You Believe?
EPA issued a 307-page report this past September which claims four Washington State dairies produce "…a considerable amount of nitrogenous organic waste." (Manure to you and me.)

The report generated a proposed EPA Administrative Order on Consent for the dairies to sign. EPA claims it has samples from residential drinking wells located in the area of the farms and has determined that nitrate from the manure "…poses an acute health concern…." EPA claims manure "…is likely to enter an underground source of drinking water and that it may present an eminent and substantial endangerment to the health of persons and that appropriate state and local authorities have not acted to protect the health of such persons…."

The Safe Drinking Water Act is EPA's authority to take these extraordinary actions against dairy farmers. Generally public health and safety issues are left to the states and localities…not EPA. This dispute arises in Yakima County, Washington. Environmental groups issued notices to sue the dairies and EPA, ever vigilant, did the study, entitled Relation Between Nitrate in Water Wells and Potential Sources in the Lower Yakima Valley, Washington.

EPA demands the dairies "expeditiously reduce risk to human health by providing a permanent, safe alternative water supply to residents using private drinking water wells…."

Dairies must also take action dictated by EPA to control all potential sources of nitrogen at the dairies, establish monitoring wells, number and placement to be determined by EPA, and ensure effective manure management - again to be determined by EPA - and have a public relations campaign which assures the public the dairy facility is acting to protect drinking water. Thus, EPA takes over running the dairies!

If Yakima dairy operators do not abide by the proposed consent order EPA says it will exercise any of its authorities under civil, criminal, statutory, regulatory, or common law authority to enforce the provisions of the order.....

Enter NRCS

The Natural Resources Conservation Service of USDA (NRCS) and the Washington State Dairy Federation believe the facts are different than those portrayed by EPA....

NRCS criticism of EPA states that the reviewer is "…highly skeptical of [EPA conclusions] based on their testing methods, procedures, and interpretations of these recorded throughout the report. The report is filled with considerable errors and calculations and interpretations that "…cannot be scientifically defended to arrive at the stated conclusions."

NRCS comments suggest EPA does not know what it is doing and is dangerous. This is sad, given what appears to have been millions of taxpayer dollars spent by EPA to go after four dairy farmers in Washington State....
The creation of the EPA and vesting the agency with draconian totalitarian powers is right out of the Agenda 21 playbook and its only goal is the massive centralization of power to prevent folks and business from producing food and energy while restricting water use without its explicit approval.  In fact, the EPA's own website confirms that the EPA was spawned by Agenda 21 and the UN.

History of Sustainability

Link: http://yosemite.epa.gov/r10/oi.nsf/8bb15fe43a5fb81788256b58005ff079/398761d6c3c7184988256fc40078499b!OpenDocument
History of Sustainability

Creation of EPA and NEPA

In the United States, the first establishment of a national policy for environmental sustainability came in 1969 with the passage of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) whose purpose was to "foster and promote the general welfare, to create and maintain conditions under which man and nature can exist in productive harmony and fulfill the social, economic and other requirements of present and future generations."....

Agenda 21

The Earth Summit was larger not only in the level of participation by the nations of the world, but also in the scope of issues it sought to address. Over 100 heads of state and government attended the Earth Summit and 170 nations sent delegations. As part of the Earth Summit, national leaders had an opportunity to sign international conventions on climate change and biodiversity, a "Declaration of Environment and Development" and an Agenda for the 21st Century (a.k.a. Agenda 21), which sought to establish a concerted effort to educate people about the state of both environment and development, and to assist them to make decisions that lead to sustainability.

Secretary General of UNCED, Maurice Strong, summarized Agenda 21 as, a "program of action for a sustainable future for the human family and a first step towards ensuring that the world will become a more just, secure and prosperous habitat for all humanity."

Agenda 21 called on all countries of the world to undertake a comprehensive process of planning and action to attain sustainability. In addition to global agenda, this document also detailed a role for cities and counties. Chapter 28 of Agenda 21 (known as Local Agenda 21) states: "Local authorities construct, operate and maintain economic, social and environmental infrastructure, oversee planning processes, establish local environmental policies and regulations, and ...as the level of government closest to the people, they play a vital role in educating, mobilizing and responding to the public to promote sustainable development."
The EPA doesn't have to scientifically prove that substances leached from manure actually taints the water supply, the EPA only has to suggest that an unproven and false allegation could possibly taint the water supply.

Agenda 21 is all about control - control over food production, control over farms, control over water, control over businesses, control over all land use, control over energy and even control over the ability of an ordinary citizen to grow food and access water on his own property.

More specifically, Agenda 21 is an implemented plan for massive reductions in the human population.  Without food and water, folks simply die and they die in massive numbers.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Glenn Beck the Phony Libertarian Partners with Theocratic Nazi Dave Barton.

Glenn Beck has always claimed to be a Libertarian and he truly believes that he's leading a Glenn Beck styled Libertarian revolution.  BEWARE!  Benedict Beck and his Beckerheads are NOT Libertarians, patriots, liberty activists or even constitutionalists.

If Glenn Beck is a Libertarian so is George Bush, Dick Cheney, Barack Obama, Sean Hannity, Hush Bimbo and Fox News and we definitely know that none of those turkeys are Libertarians, not even close.

Beck is garnering tons of headlines these days because of his announcement that he's transitioning his organization into a Global Libertarian News Network.

Glenn Beck Relaunching The Blaze As Global Libertarian News Network
Glenn Beck announced plans Tuesday during his online television program to expand the news operation in his media company, The Blaze, and refocus it as a libertarian network, opening three foreign bureaus, debuting a nightly newsmagazine show, and relocating his New York staff to showy new offices.

Beck introduced his ambitious plans by standing in front of a split screen with MSNBC's Chris Matthews on one side and Fox News's Sean Hannity on the other , and bemoaning the fact that cable news has devolved into the "far left [and] far right... yelling at each other."

"We're not gonna play in that crazy space as a network," he said, adding, "I consider myself a libertarian... I'm a lot closer to Penn Jillette than I am to Chuck Hagel." He said over the next 60 days, The Blaze will open three foreign bureaus in cities that are "important to America." He will also relocate his New York staff from their current midtown offices into a building that will "send a very clear message to everyone in New York... it will piss everyone off."
The story grew even more legs when the Dallas Observe posted a piece that went viral and showed up on many alternate media sites and blogs, including some well known neocon sites that are now proclaiming loud and clear that many well known theocon-neocon nutjobs are really Libertarians.

Glenn Beck is Planning a $2 Billion Libertarian Commune in Texas
On his program last night, Beck revealed that his intention to "go Galt" is quite literal, unveiling grandiose plans to create an entirely self-sustaining community called Independence Park that will provide its own food and energy, produce television and film content, host research and development, serve as a marketplace for products and ideas, while also housing a theme park and serving as a residential community.

At the center -- in the middle of the lake that is itself larger than all of Disney Land - Beck (with the help of David Barton) will create a massive "national archive"/learning center where people can send their children to be "deprogrammed" and elected officials can come to learn "the truth."

Does anybody have any earthly idea who David Barton is? Barton is a very powerful and influential theocratic Republican icon in TX where he is revered as practically the Second Coming. I would personally classify Barton as pure concentrated evil. Barton, an Evangelical and Biblical literalist, is a prolific writer of books proclaiming that America's founders fully intended for America to be governed by the Bible. Barton also so despises Thomas Jefferson, the most Libertarian of our founders, that he even wrote a book castigating, demonizing and condemning Jefferson. The Barton book was so loaded with factual errors that its Christian book publisher, Thomas Nelson, pulled it from the shelves.

Anti-Jefferson Book by a TX Warvangelical Pulled from Shelves by Publisher For Inaccuracies
It's a well known fact that some Evangelicals absolutely detest Thomas Jefferson and practically consider him Satanic. Not surprisingly, TX Evangelical David Barton wrote an incendiary book about Thomas Jefferson titled 'The Jefferson Lies' which was published by Christian book publisher Thomas Nelson. Apparently, the publisher decided to fact check Barton's book and learned that is was overflowing with errors....

It's this dangerous Dispensationalism that has spawned the religious right as a powerful and controlling force within the Republican Party. These folks advocate for endless wars and murder, and they are frequently sarcastically dubbed Warvangelicals, theocons and neocons.

Folks who adhere to Dispensationalist theology have literally declared war on Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson is an admitted deist, though he never embraced any particular Christian theology. Above all, Jefferson was much closer to a modern day Libertarian in that he advocated for natural rights and recognized the right of folks to do whatever they want to do and live however they want to live so long as it doesn't infringe on the natural rights of another human being. It's this 'live and let live' philosophy of Jefferson that so incenses the theocrats who seek to be in everybody's bedroom as the religious police and the morality gestapo. They demand the criminalization of every possible human behavior that they don't approve of, including homosexuality. Many of these folks would implement Old Testament justice.

In Texas, Barton and his ilk succeeded in getting the State Board of Education (SBOE) to purge Jefferson from the list of people who were influential in the American Revolution as well as deleting him from the World History curriculum. The TX SBOE affair was so scandalous that Texas was the laughing stock of not only America but the entire world.
Barton and Beck invoking the term 'Libertarianism' is cringe worthy.  Just as the neocon statist fascists hijacked the Tea Party movement and took it over, the neocon Warvangelicals now believes that they can also hijack the Libertarian movement that was spawned by Ron Paul and liberty activists.

Don't fall for it folks.  Beck is a fraud and Barton is a Biblical literalist nutjob who has been so discredited that a Christian book publisher pulled his anti-Jefferson book.  The fact that this pair of Bat Shit Crazies are teaming up as partners under the facade of Libertarianism is a big RED flag.

Neither Beck nor Barton have moved into the liberty camp nor will they ever be Libertarians or constitutionalists.  This ideological 'marriage' of the Mormon Beck and Evangelical Barton is a mating game that is unfit for human liberty.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Meet Bell, CA - America's Shinning Example of Statism on Steroids

Bell, California is one of the poorest cities in California with a population of 38,000 and average per capital income of under $25,000 according to Bloomberg, here. The impoverished city of Bell is 90% Hispanic but Bell made national headlines a few years ago when it went public that it's City Manager earned an annual salary of nearly $800,000.  Bloomberg further reported:
Hundreds of residents of one of the poorest municipalities in Los Angeles County shouted in protest last night as tensions rose over a report that the city’s manager earns an annual salary of almost $800,000.

An overflow crowd packed a City Council meeting in Bell, a mostly Hispanic city of 38,000…

It was the first council meeting since the Los Angeles Times reported July 15 that Chief Administrative Officer Robert Rizzo earns $787,637 -- with annual 12 percent raises -- and that Bell pays its police chief $457,000, more than Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck makes in a city of 3.8 million people. Bell council members earn almost $100,000 for part-time work.

The city’s personal income was $24,800 per capita in 2008..
As if an $800,000 a year overpaid bureaucrat isn’t bad enough, Reuters reports that the pension costs to taxpayers for this $800,000 a year parasite could top $30 million, here.

Fortunately, the citizen of Bell became justifiably enraged over the government they elected and revolted.  The crimes of Bell's public officials are well known and it appears that they will be prosecuted for their crimes.

Massive corruption case going to trial Huffington Post
Six former officials of the scandal-ridden city of Bell go on trial this week in a massive corruption case that nearly bankrupted the Los Angeles suburb.

The former mayor and vice mayor and four former City Council members are charged with misappropriation of public funds in a 20-count felony complaint.

Prosecutors claim they looted the city's treasury in order to pay themselves exorbitant salaries. The complaint says sham commissions were created to enrich the defendants.

Two major figures in the scam are not part of this trial. Former City Manager Robert Rizzo and Assistant City Manager Angela Spaccia are scheduled to be tried separately. They have been accused of making millions while hiking taxes and fees for residents in the modest, blue-collar suburb where many live in poverty....

Defense attorneys had argued that the council members earned their salaries, working full time on the city's behalf, not only attending monthly council meetings but taking part in community projects that benefited low-income people, the aged and numerous others.

Prosecutors contend that Rizzo had an annual salary and compensation package worth $1.5 million and masterminded a scheme to loot the city of Bell of more than $6 million. His assistant city manager, Spaccia, was paid $376,288 a year.

Council members drew salaries of about $100,000 a year, which Hall said was about 20 times more than they were entitled to make.

The six defendants are expected to claim they worked hard for the city and were unaware of Rizzo's financial manipulations. Those set to go on trial Tuesday are former Mayor Oscar Hernandez, former vice mayor Teresa Jacobo and former council members George Mirabal, George Cole, Victor Bello and Luis Artiga.

Testimony at the trial is expected to focus on the creation of sham boards and commissions such as the city's Surplus Property Authority which met a handful of times between 2005 and 2010 and never for more than a minute or two. Hall calculated that resulted in council members being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars an hour for sitting on the authority's board.

He said the city's Solid Waste and Recycling Authority was never legally created and, in any case, met only one time in 2006 -- to vote its members a pay raise.

"It was a sham agency," said the judge.

Former District Attorney Steve Cooley, who filed the Bell corruption cases, said more than $5.5 million was taken from the city coffers.
Even if the public officials are prosecuted, convicted and sent to prison, that won't be the end of Bell's problems.  The city had issued $35 million in bonds and that debt will continue to be a burden on the impoverished Bell taxpayers. The LA Times reported, here:
The small and cash-strapped city of Bell is on the hook for a $35-million bond debt that voters didn't approve — and that the city can't afford to pay off, The Times has learned.

The debt, which Bell took on three years ago to buy land near the 710 Freeway, is more than twice the size of Bell's annual operating budget. Come November, the city could lose the land to foreclosure.
The misery of public corruption doesn't end when the corrupt politicians are brought to justice.  They leave a very long trail of financial burdens that taxpayers will be sorting out for many years.

The 10th Amendment is meaningless so long as the states are on Fedzilla's dole.

Liberty activists keep talking up the 10th Amendment but there's a dirty little secret about how the 10th Amendment became irrelevant and meaningless.  Simply stated, the states no longer even care about the 10th Amendment because they are so dependent on Fedzilla for funding that they sacrificed their sovereignty decades ago. Veronique de Rugy illuminated the situation quite clearly in a Reason.com article.

Get States off the Federal Dole
These reflexive calls for Washington to pick up the tab underscore one of the greatest shifts of power in American politics during the last four decades: the transition from state and local autonomy to federal subsidy and control. This centralization of government was made possible largely by grants-in-aid, money provided by the federal government to state and local governments or private parties. They have become the third largest category in the federal budget, trailing only Social Security and national defense.

According to the Congressional Research Service, there were 1,724 of these grants in fiscal year 2011, paying for things such as bridges, teachers, Medicaid, farm subsidies, and abstinence programs. The total cost of these federal grants was $515 billion, up 160 percent in real terms since the beginning of the 1990s and nearly 60 percent since 2000. After the adoption of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, a.k.a. the 2009 stimulus bill, grant spending increased by 16 percent in 2009 and 11 percent in 2010—the highest annual spikes in history.
Grants are not merely a substantial part of the federal budget. They have become like a drug for the states. The federal share of total state spending rose from 25.7 percent in 2001 to 34.1 percent in 2011. State and local governments drink up roughly 80 percent of total federal grant spending, with the remainder going mostly to nonprofit organizations providing services at the state and local levels.
The states are on Fedzilla's dole and the percentages are staggering.

States with the highest dependency on the Federal government for revenue are as follows:

Federal Aid to State Budgets

MS - 49%
LA - 47%
AZ - 46%
SD - 46%
MT - 42%
TX -  40%

Even a few states at the low end of federal dependency are in the high 20% percentile, with most states depending on Fedzilla for 30-40% of their spending.

The very significant growth in federal state aid has resulted in powerful public sector labor unions, the massive growth in state programs and huge increases in public sector employees.

As the state grows, the private sector shrinks and what is left of the job creating private sector is relentlessly pounded with oppressive taxation to fund the ever growing public sector.  It's a vicious cycle that destroys the economy that produces the wealth to fund the public sector.  Ultimately, there is no money or wealth to fund government at all levels.  However, the powerful public sector continues to ferociously lobby for higher taxation on the private sector to sustain its unsustainable plunder.  At the end of the day, the public sector is nothing more than a parasite that is sucking the life, prosperity and wealth out of the people.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Debate: Can the 1st Amendment Squash the 2nd Amendment?

The 1st Amendment is really a bundle of 5 rights that include freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, the right of the people to peaceably assemble and the right to petition the government to address a grievance. The 2nd Amendment is simple and explicitly clear: the right of the people to bear arms.

But what happens when 1st amendment utterances, even if benign but foolishly threatening, are perceived by law enforcement as a direct threat to human life and the government partially or wholly strips the potential perpetrator of their 2nd amendment rights?

This actually happened in Tennessee when a guy who was so furious with the government's threat to reign in 2nd amendment rights that he posted a youtube saying that he would “start killing people” if the government continued its pursuit to weaken and/or abolish gun rights.

DHS Suspends Patriots Handgun Permit Because Of Threatening Second Amendment Video
Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security has suspended the handgun carry permit of a local man who threatened to “start killing people” to protect his Second Amendment right.

In a statement released Friday officials said they had suspended the handgun carry permit of James Yeager, CEO of Tactical Response based on “material likelihood of risk of harm to the public”.

On Thursday, a video of Yeager angrily claiming he would “start killing people” if President Barack Obama moved forward with gun control measures began to go viral on the internet.

“The number one priority for our department is to ensure the public’s safety. Mr. Yeager’s comments were irresponsible, dangerous, and deserved our immediate attention. Due to our concern, as well as that of law enforcement, his handgun permit was suspended immediately. We have notified Mr. Yeager about the suspension today via e-mail. He will receive an official notification of his suspension through the mail,” Commissioner Bill Gibbons said.

Yeager, CEO of Tactical Response, a company that offers training to civilians in weapons and tactical skills, has multiple certifications with several different types of weapons. Officials with the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security were explicit in stating that the Yeager was not a Department of Safety and Homeland Security certified instructor, nor is his school department certified.
This is clearly a case  where a 1st amendment utterance was used to reign in a 2nd amendment right.  Some folks have argued since the guy didn't actually commit a crime, the governments' actions were wrong and inappropriate.  Some have even gone so far as to assert that the inflammatory utterance of James Yeager was protected speech. However, public safety is one of the primary responsibilities of government and protecting folks from lunatics on the loose is something that law enforcement takes seriously, especially following several well publicized mass shootings in Aurora, CO and the CT Sandy Hooks school shooting, both horrifically tragic.

James Yeager is no ordinary citizen.  He is self-employed and trains folks in the use of firearms.  His position as the owner of a firearms training company uniquely exposes him to more government scrutiny that other citizens might be lucky enough to escape.  In the age of rampant paranoia and government restrictions on constitutional rights, Yeager should have known better and he did a very stupid thing that now has the government questioning his mental fitness to bear arms.  If the government perceives that the actions of an individual in any way constitute a threat to society, the government will act preemptively to minimize that threat.

The bottom line here is that while speech may be a protected right, speech isn't exempt from consequences. Indeed there are very serious consequences for any individual who utters that they will “start killing people” just because they are ticked off over an resolved political issue. It's not as if Yeager's rant was triggered by government goons busting down his door in the middle of the night and seizing his weapons. But Yeager's rant will most assuredly result in government goons thinking about doing precisely that.

To deliberately inflame the government at your own expense and the expense of your constitutional rights is the act of a fool.  The government and its intensely draconian surveillance apparatus are constantly spying and snooping on citizens, their e-mails, websites, social media, youtubes and every other method of electronic communication.

A little common sense goes a long way in keeping the government goons away.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Is There a Dr. House in the house?

Americans are fascinated with the very successful TV show 'House' that is a show about a Dr. House at the fictional Princeton-Plainsboro Hospital (PPH) in Princeton, NJ.  Although Dr. House is a drug addict and an incorrigible nut job, he's a lovable nutjob and is revered for his non-conventional brilliance.  The show is hilarious, exceptionally well scripted and the cast of supporting characters is equally loony and eminently entertaining.  That said, the dark side of House is that it's morally reprehensible because it is nothing more than a monstrous propaganda machine for Big Pharm and socialized medicine.  PPH is a free government funded hospital that leaves folks with the distinct impression that if America had socialized medical care, everybody with a real or perceived ailment could just stroll into any hospital or medical facility and immediately have a team of the top docs fawning all over them with deep concern.  House and his team also pump patients full of dangerous pharmaceuticals and frequently without even a verifiable diagnosis.  In that respect, the show is also a powerful lobby for Big Pharm as patients are routinely churned into guinea pigs.

While government and the media are indeed propaganda masters when it comes to blurring facts from fiction, fiction tends to prevail because it's a high dose of reliable utopian 'feel good' delusions.

What is the reality about socialized medical care? Dan Mitchell at International Liberty reported on some real facts about the British socialized healthcare system and quotes several reliable sources.

More Stomach-Turning Horror Stories from the UK Government-Run Healthcare System
Hundreds of hospital patients died needlessly. In the wards, people lay starving, thirsty and in soiled bedclothes, buzzers droning hopelessly as their cries for help went ignored. Some received the wrong medication; some, none at all.Over 139 days, the public inquiry into the Stafford hospital scandal has heard testimony from scores of witnesses about how an institution which was supposed to care for the most vulnerable instead became a place of danger. Decisions about which patients to treat were left to receptionists…and nurses switched off equipment because they did not know how to use it. …patients were left so dehydrated that some began drinking from flower vases. By the time the hospital’s failings were exposed by regulators, in 2009, up to 1,200 patients had died needlessly between 2005 and 2008. …on the wards, patients – most of them elderly – were left in agony and screaming for pain relief, as their loved ones desperately begged for help. The human toll was dreadful. In the course of 18 months, one family lost four members, including a newborn baby girl, after a catalogue of failings by the hospital. …Patients were left without medication, food and drink, and left on commodes. Basic hygiene was neglected: a woman was left unwashed for the last four weeks of her life. Relatives tried to keep their loved ones clean, scrubbing down beds and furniture and even bringing in clean linen. One consultant described how amid the chaos, it seemed at though nurses became “immune to the sound of pain”.
Of course, the above horrifyingly inhumane account that was documented by the UK based Telegraph is a far cry from the warm and fuzzy House depiction of socialized government run medical care.  Trusting the government with your life and the lives of your loved ones is simply foolish but once the government legislates a legalized monopoly on healthcare, the quality goes down, rationing kicks in and arrogant public sector employees are immune to human suffering.

America's $2.3 Trillion Dollar Foreign Aid is Mostly a Defense Contractor Subsidy

Here's a 'Connecting the Dots Moment' for Americans to ponder:  It's a well documented fact that Congress wiped out the Social Security Trust Fund over the decades to the tune of at least $2.5 trillion and left a worthless pile of IOU's, here.  It's also well documented that foreign aid, according to 2007 figures, totaled an astounding $2.3 trillion.  How would Americans feel if they knew that the government they elected and trusted plundered their Social Security and that their retirement funds landed in the laps of defense contractors and corrupt foreign officials?  

Flushing $2.3 trillion in American tax dollars down the foreign aid toilet, here, is not only an act of grand theft but also a gargantuan welfare program for defense contractors.  The $2.3 trillion figure quoted in the link is based on 2007 data and hundreds of billions have been added to the foreign aid tab since 2007.  Still, it has been estimated that 2/3 of foreign aid lands right in defense contractor laps.

Two Thirds of US Foreign Aid Is Really Military Aid

Foreign aid is one of the biggest scams ever because gobs of American taxdollars end up lost, missing, stolen  unaccountable and untraceable.  Nobody really knows what happens to unaccountable foreign aid dollars.  Our government that disburses the money doesn't even know or, more likely, refuses to disclose who got the money.

Revealed: How $6.6billion of taxpayers' money sent to Iraq by Bush may have been STOLEN
It is thought to have been the biggest international cash airlift of all time, when $12billion in aid was flown by the Bush administration to postwar Iraq.
And now, for the first time, investigators auditing the cash have admitted that more than half of that huge amount may have been stolen when it got there in 'the largest theft of funds in national history'.
Iraq isn't the only recipient of massive foreign aid that is riddled with scandal.  Although $90 billion in aid has poured into Afghanistan since 2001, here, nobody really knows where that money went and Afghan and US officials are determined to keep it that way.

Karzai blocking probe of missing U.S. $billions in Afghanistan
Afghan President Hamid Karzai is blocking efforts by U.S. officials to locate billions of dollars given to aid Afghanistan's economy, stymieing efforts to combat money laundering of drug money, corruption and funding terrorists.

Karzai is prohibiting U.S. Treasury agents from accessing the Afghan government's central bank by allowing and even contributing to “hostile working conditions” for advisers there, according to a new report by the U.S. Inspector General's Office for Afghanistan Re construction.
Afghanistan is just one of many corrupt nations that are the recipients of tons of US foreign aid and even the NYT chirped in on the corruption in Afghanistan, here. Furthermore it is estimated that Afghanistan will need an additional $6-7 billion in aid over the next 10 years, even if aid dollars are slowing down a bit.  Reuters reported that a staggering 90% of Afghanistan's budget comes from aid, here.
More than 90 percent of Afghanistan's $17.1 billion national budget comes from foreign donation...
How did Afghanistan survive before the era of BIG aid?   Just fine! Heck, it's heroine trade could comfortably bankroll any nation which, of course, raises the issue of precisely why America is so interested in Afghanistan.  It's widely believed and documented that the CIA, frequently dubbed Cocaine Import Agency, is the biggest drug dealer on the planet, here.

As fiscal and economic woes pile up in America, most Americans remain absolutely clueless as to what is really going on and what their government actually does.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Court Declares Stop and Frisk Policy of Fuhrer Bloomberg and NYPD Unconstitutional

A federal court declared the Stop and Frisk policies of NYPD and Fuhrer Bloomberg unconstitutional, here.

While it's a rare civil liberties victory from a court system that generally upholds the hideous and humiliating police powers of the state, Stop and Frisk also exposed the truly racist nature of the program. In the Nazified Big Apple, Fuhrer Bloomberg's policy to "stop and frisk" anybody for any reason came under fire from civil rights activists for justifiable reasons because the policy was blatantly racist and 90% of those who were stopped and frisked were folks of color according to CNN, here.
Each year, hundreds of thousands of people in New York are stopped, questioned, frisked and searched, often without justification, under the "stop and frisk" policy. The vast majority of these people live in communities of color, and almost 90% are immediately released without arrest or even a summons.

Image Source: http://images2.dailykos.com/i/user/116919/stopandfriskchart.JPG

Even if the courts slow down the 'stop and frisk' policies, it still won't help those who are subjected to cavity searches and sexual assaults for routine traffic stops and it won't decrease the reach of the TSA's army of sexual predators that is expanding its operations beyond airports and to train stations and bus stations.

Even more horrifying, the Supreme Court upheld the right of law enforcement to perform cavity searches on everyone taken into custody and many folks are routinely taken into custody for traffic violations and other minor infractions. When it comes to human humiliation and degradation, Police State USA knows no boundaries, ethics or morality. The state exists to inspire absolute fear because fear breeds compliance as folks sacrifice their natural rights, dignity and cowardly capitulate to government and its goons. In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court upheld cavity searches.

Bend Over and Spread Em says the Supreme Court

Regarding the recent 5-4 SCOTUS decision to uphold strip searches, Supreme Court Justice Breyer describes a strip search in his dissent (joined by Kagan, Gingsberg and Sotomayor) as follows:

“‘..a visual inspection of the inmate’s naked body. This should include the inmate opening his mouth and moving his tongue up and down and from side to side, removing any dentures, running his hands through his hair, allowing his ears to be visually examined, lifting his arms to expose his arm pits, lifting his feet to examine the sole, spreading and/or lifting his testicles to expose the area behind them and bending over and/or spreading the cheeks of his buttocks to expose his anus. For females, the procedures are similar except females must in addition, squat to expose the vagina.’”

The Supreme Court has upheld the right of the police to do this to anybody for any reason who has the misfortune of ending up in police custody for any reason, including minor traffic violations. For obviously justifiable reasons, this outrageously insane Supreme Court decision has fired up anger among civil libertarians on all sides of the political ideological spectrum. Pure and simple, it's a rape, it's a sexual assault and it's designed to be as humiliating and degrading as possible. A nation where state sanctioned sexual assault is codified into the law of the land has debauched itself to a level reminiscent of Nazi Germany and the most ruthlessly oppressive totalitarian regimes ever to exist.

America, land of the free. BARF.... America is now more like Dr. StrangeGlove probing your every body orafice for maximum human degradation because that's what government does best.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

When Was the Word "Taxes" Replaced with the Word "Revenues"?

Taxes used to be called precisely what they are - TAXES or the plunder forcibly extracted from citizens to fund government and all that government does. However, lately the word TAXES seems to have disappeared from the discourse and the hot new media term is REVENUES. Moreover, the raising of taxes (revenue) is now dubbed comprehensive tax reform by Democrats and progressives because the accurate and meaningful term "tax increase" tends to cause folks to angrily freak out. But heck, so long as the debate is camouflaged in deceptively benign terms like revenue and comprehensive tax reform, the folks just aren't deemed smart enough to notice the truth about what is really going on.

The Huffington Post  had a big blazing headline.


The headline links to an article complaining about how Sen. Mitch McConnell proclaimed that there will be no more new taxes.

Mitch McConnell On Future Debt Deals: 'The Tax Issue Is Finished'
There will be no more increases in tax revenues as part of any debt or deficit-reduction deal, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) declared in several interviews on Sunday.

“[T]he tax issue is finished, over, completed,” said the Kentucky Republican, during an appearance on ABC’s "This Week."....

The comments represent a deep line in the sand as Congress and the White House approach the debates over replacing the $1 trillion in sequester-related cuts, the raising of the debt ceiling, and the passage of a continuing resolution to fund the government. And they foreshadow another major showdown between congressional Republicans and the administration.

The president has said that he will not make major entitlement reforms or spending cuts during those negotiations unless it is part of a balanced approach. On Sunday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi echoed that view.

“No, no, it is not,” she said, when asked by CBS’ Bob Schieffer if the revenue side was now taken care of. “I mean, the president had said originally he wanted $1.6 trillion in revenue, he took it down to 1.2 as a compromise in this legislation. We get $620 billion dollars, very significant, high-end tax, changing the high-end tax rate to 39.6 percent, but that is not enough on the revenue side.”

The hope, among Democrats, is that another $600 billion in revenue may be raised through comprehensive tax reform.
There can be no question that the Dems are bitterly complaining about how unhappy they are because they didn't get $1.6 trillion in new taxes.  Clearly, the crusade to plunder Americans of every cent they ever earned will continue unabated because the thought of reducing government spending is just too horrifying a thought for the confiscating totalitarian thugs who thrive on folks being forcibly impoverished by the government and reduced to pathetic beggars.

The Republican Party is Like an Ugly Peeling Wallpaper, Circa 1950....

The Republican Party resembles an ugly and peeling wallpaper, circa 1950's. While the Republican pundits are scratching their heads in disbelief over election losses, they all saying essentially the same thing: we are a great party, we have a great platform, we have a great message and we have a great plan to solve our problems. In other words, the Republican Party thinks that it's perfect just the way it is and, hilariously, their only problem is falling down when it comes to getting their message out. Romney Iowa strategist David Kochel said “First of all, we’ve got to improve our mechanics and our organization,” and “We got beat on data collection. Our polling was off. I thought that we spent way too much time in a defensive posture with our messaging.", here. Kochel also admitted that money was not a problem and the RNC/GOP machine had plenty of money “We certainly raised enough money. We don’t have to fix that,”.

The RNC has even launched a study to figure out why Romney lost and named the initiative the Growth and Opportunity Project.

RNC Launches New Initiative to Grow the Party and Win
The effort, known as the Growth and Opportunity Project, will be chaired by five GOP leaders and is charged by Priebus with initially reviewing past practices and also making critical recommendations for the future in these eight key areas: 1.) campaign mechanics and ground game; 2.) messaging; 3.) fundraising; 4.) demographic partners and allies; 5.) third party groups; 6.) campaign finance issues; 7.) presidential primaries; and 8.) lessons learned from Democratic campaign tactics.

The group will reach out to hundreds of individuals including RNC Members, grassroots activists, donors, elected officials, community leaders and other important partners to gain insight and help the Republican Party form a solid path going forward. These leaders will be involved in one or more of these critical areas.

The Growth and Opportunity Project is co-chaired by five prominent Republican leaders:

Henry Barbour, National Committeeman from Mississippi
Zori Fonalledas, National Committeewoman from Puerto Rico
Glenn McCall, National Committeeman from South Carolina
Sally Bradshaw, Veteran senior strategist in Florida and national politics
Ari Fleischer, Former White House Press Secretary

They will report their findings to Chairman Priebus and make recommendations for a long-term strategy for the future.
The Republican Party will be making a big play to win over Hispanic and African American voters.  However, it's a flawed strategy that is doomed to fail.  Hispanics and African American voters who aren't already diehard Democrat loyalists are liberty activists, constitutionalists and Ron Paul supporters who have no use whatsoever for the GOP or the Democrats.

Non-conservatives and liberals think they perfectly understand the Republican Party -  the Republican Party is nothing more than a party divided by radical Tea Party types and moderate Republicans in the mold of McCain or Romney.  Liberals tend to view the election triumph of the Democrats as a sign that America has taken a hard left turn so their incessant gloating is intensely festive.  CNN chirps in, here, "Listening to Republicans try to explain what went wrong in their worse-than-expected election thumping reveals a party struggling to define itself amid continuing change in the nation it seeks to lead."

The Republican Party can no longer define itself because it doesn't stand for anything except bigger government, bigger deficits, more wars, more corporate welfare and more bankster bailouts. Still, the GOP hopelessly clings to the spectacularly false legacy of Ronald Reagan as the real conservative Republican model while it searches endlessly for the reincarnation of the ghost of Reagan.  A lot has changed since the days of Reagan.  Blindly worshiping Reagan and Nixon as a gods will not bring back those good old days when the GOP racked up impressive victories.

1972: Nixon defeats McGovern 520 electoral votes to 17 electoral votes
1980: Reagan defeats Carter 489 electoral votes to 49 electoral votes
1984: Reagan defeats Mondale 525 electoral votes to 13 electoral votes

In many ways, the Republican Party is like a 3 legged stool.with 3 constituent legs - the social conservatives, the Rockefeller Republicans and  constitutional liberty activists.

1.  The social conservatives endorse big government and endless wars.

2.  The Rockefeller Republicans endorse big government and endless wars but are very uncomfortable the social issues which they don't care about.

3.  The constitutional liberty activists oppose big government, the damn wars, the trillion dollar a year foreign policy, the Federal Reserve and they really oppose the federal government meddling in the social issues because it's not a power specifically enumerated in the constitution.

What is killing the Republican Party is that the constitutional liberty activists will no longer hold their noses and vote Republican as they once did and this is a trend that surfaced in 2006 and was considerably magnified in 2008 when the Democrats took back the House of Representatives and won the presidency.

In fact, the liberty activists are so angry with the GOP that they are determined to guarantee its defeat by voting 3rd party for however long it takes for the liberty activists to takeover the GOP from the warmongers and fascists.  The Gary Johnson vote delivered critical swing states to Obama in 2012.

Yet, the archaic Republican Party views itself as a party that can win elections just by firing up the intolerant social conservatives, beating the war drums for perpetual bankrupting wars and sprinkling some cold dead words like 'capitalism' in the toxic mix to camouflage the crony capitalist fascist economy.  Here's how the GOP view itself and its base.

The Republican game plan has finally failed.  In fact, it's a BIG fail but instead of embracing traditional Republican conservatism and the agenda of the constitutionalists and liberty activists, the Republican Party is absolutely determined to vigorously pursue the Democratic model of romancing the Free Shit Army while growing government, slashing civil liberties and pursing endless wars - all traditional Democrat ideals that dumped America into the statist cesspool without a life jacket.

Who got America into WW I, WW II, the Korean War, Vietnam and the Balkan Wars? - all progressive liberal Democrats that were perennially obsessed with their divine right to rule over everybody and every nation.  Presidents Wilson, Roosevelt, Truman, Johnson and Clinton were all hardcore warmongering statists, although Clinton's appetite for war was downright squeamish compared with the overt addiction to mass human genocide of the most intensely worshiped luminaries within the Democratic Party.

Interestingly, the anti-GOP establishment website, The American Conservative, posted a piece on the anti-war and anti-foreign interventionist roots of the Republican Party.

Why Conservatives Hate War
One of the odder aspects of present-day politics is the assumption that if you are antiwar you are on the left, and if you are conservative you are “pro-war.” Like labelling conservative states red and liberal states blue, this is an inversion of historical practice.

The opposition to America’s entry into both World Wars was largely led by conservatives. Senator Robert A. Taft, the standard-bearer of postwar conservatism, opposed war unless the United States itself was attacked. Even Bismarck, after he had fought and won the three wars he needed to unify Germany, was staunchly antiwar. He once described preventive war, like the one America is being pressured to wage on Iran, as “committing suicide for fear of being killed.”

Conservatives’ detestation of war has no “touchy-feely” origins. It springs from conservatism’s roots, its most fundamental beliefs and objectives. Conservatism seeks above all social and cultural continuity, and nothing endangers that more than war.

In the 20th century, war brought about social and cultural revolutions in the United States....

Russia’s involvement in World War I gave us Bolshevism. Germany’s defeat made Hitler possible. As the First World War shows, if a conflict is costly enough, the victors’ social order can suffer nearly as badly as that of the vanquished. Not only did the British Empire die in the mud of Flanders, but postwar Britain was a very different place from Edwardian Britain.

The plain fact is, conservatives loathe unpredictability. They also know that vast state expenditures and debts can destabilize a society, and no activity of the state is more expensive than war. America’s adventure in Iraq, driven in no small part by the quest for oil—which will now mostly go to China—has already cost a trillion dollars, with another trillion or two to come caring for crippled veterans. Even the peacetime cost of a large military can break a country, as it broke the Soviet Union. American conservatives used to be budget hawks, not warhawks.
Exactly how the Republican Party managed to transform itself from the party of peace and constitutionally limited government into the Big Spending Progressive War Party is open to considerable debate and speculation.   Somehow, the Republican Party became a wholly owned subsidiary of defense contractors, the military industrial complex, the prison industrial complex, crony capitalism and the Banksters.

If the Republican Party thinks that it can romance the Democrats into voting Republican, the GOP is delusional beyond comprehension.  The DNC has a solid and historically documented monopoly on big government, endless wars and statism.

Maybe it's time to just seal the GOP's coffin because it's a party that is ideologically, socially and morally irrelevant, as well as indistinguishable from the Democratic Party.