Election fraud is indeed a major issue that happens in a variety of ways that include ballot harvesting, voting machine manipulation, dead people voting, mail-in ballots, fake ballots counted, Mark Zuckerberg's dirty money and more. Democrats are masters at election fraud; if they can't cheat, they can't win. The 2020 election turned out to be a case study in the biggest and most expansive election fraud operation in US history.
However, it's critical to understand that elections are CERTIFIED by the Secretary of State in each state. If election fraud exists, it's the Secretary of State that facilitates it by covering it up. AND, this is precisely why George Soros is obsessed with picking and funding Secretaries of State, and it's ALWAYS in the critical swing states. Once the Secretary of State certifies the election as honest and accurate, it's a done deal and even if it's a crime, it cannot be criminally prosecuted. The Governor, Attorney General and and Secretary of State tend to be members of the same political party. If the Democrat Secretary of State is corrupt, there is no way a Democrat Attorney General would ever prosecute the criminal activity of a high ranking ELECTED fellow Democrat.
In 2016, Trump won 6 states that Obama won twice: FL, PA, OH, MI, WI & IA in an election where it was predicted that Hillary Clinton had a 95% probability of winning, here. The Dems and media were STUNNED & SHOCKED that she not only didn't crush Trump but he crushed her 306-231 in the electoral vote. However, the Dems and media didn't waste any time trying to figure out why they were so wrong. The polls were deliberately rigged to demoralize the Trump supporters in the hope that they would stay home and NOT vote in a hopeless election already called for the Hildabeast. The media and Dems knew precisely what the fake polls were supposed to do but, LOL, the whole rotten scheme backfired. The Trumpies had a record turnout.
Anyway, after 2016 they immediately began working on all their new and old options to steal the 2020 election from Trump. The American people were happy with the economy, Blacks and Hispanics (core constituencies of the Dems) enjoyed significant increases in prosperity and Trump didn't start any new wars. He was UN-BEATABLE in 2020 and everybody knew it. Well, a lot of things happened including the COVID scam that faciliated massive mail in ballot fraud.
Also, what happened is still being investigated and documented but we know that massive election fraud occurred in PA, MI, WI and also in Republican controlled GA and AZ. It important to note that all establishment Republicans are Trump haters, especially in AZ where Cindy McCain, widow of uber Trump hater John McCain, used her money, power & election fraud to turn a red state blue. GA is another mess run by worthless rino Republicans.
In the case of AZ, folks should understand that the rino McCain machine controlled by Gov. Doug 'Douchbag' Ducey is a Republican but the Secretary of State Katie Hobbs is a Soros funded radical Democrat who won the 2018 Secretary of State race by defeating Republican Steve Gaynor 50.4% - 49.6%. Yes, it's entirely possible that election fraud elected Hobbs and made her Secretary of State.
Hobbs was promised bigger things for her work on the 2020 election and is now the Democrat nominee for governor of Arizona; she's going up against MAGA, Trump endorsed candidate Kari Lake who the AZ rino machine tried to cheat out of her We the People primary victory.
Hobbs is evil, dishonest and a probably criminal for knowingly certifying a false election.
George Soros Funded Arizona Sec. of State Katie Hobbs desperately trying to block AZ Election Audit
Katie Hobbs Sat on Board of Radical Far-Left, Soros-Funded Leadership Group
Hobbs received major funding from radical left-wing donors like George Soros and Hillary Clinton.
On a more interesting note, will Katie Hobbs be certifying her own election when she is already an election fraud suspect?
Fraudulent Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs Needs to Recuse Herself of Election Duties.
Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs is running for Governor of Arizona in 2022 and she will be responsible for overseeing and certifying her own election results. Hobbs has acted as the Arizona audit's biggest opponent, fighting transparency and voter integrity every step of the process.
Anyway, Soros buying control of the Secretary of State offices is nothing new. In fact, it's been around for years. In 2008 Politico ran an article stating flatout that the Secretary of State is the FIREWALL for Democrats.
Secretaries of state give Dem firewall 11/2/2008
In anticipation of a photo-finish presidential election, Democrats have built an administrative firewall designed to protect their electoral interests in five of the most important battleground states.
The effort began in 2006 when a group of liberal California activists created an independent 527 group designed to elect secretaries of state.
The Secretary of State Project ran independent ads of its own and ensured that donors — many of whom were affiliated with Democracy Alliance, a network of wealthy fundraisers that channels money to liberal causes across the country — knew which candidates deserved donations.
It's safe to assume that ever since Bush-Gore in 2020, the Democrats have been obsessed with the critical importance of controlling the state Secretary of State in the swing states. The money of Soros and other rich Democrats has indeed benefitted the Dems who have funded these organizations.
One is DASS or The Democratic Association of Secretaries of State is reportedly the only organization dedicated to electing and protecting Democratic Secretaries of States, here.
Republicans are well aware of the efforts of the Democrats to control the Secretary of State in the critical swing states. Red State wrote an excellent piece on the issue.
In 2006 George Soros Funded a Project to Elect Progressive Liberals to Secretary of State Offices -- Now You Know Why 11/6/2020
The “Secretary of State Project“ was an American non-profit, progressive 527 political action committee focused on electing reform-minded progressive Secretaries of State in battleground states, who typically oversee the election process. The Project was funded by George Soros and members of the Democracy Alliance...
Members of the Democracy Alliance are required to contribute at least $200,000 a year to groups the Democracy Alliance vets and recommends. As of 2014, the Alliance had helped distribute approximately $500 million to liberal organizations since its founding in 2005.....
The Michigan Secretary of State is Jocelyn Benson, a 43-year-old Harvard educated attorney. Noteworthy is a professional life of liberal and progressive activism on voting rights issues.
Before going to law school, Benson earned a Master’s at Magdalen College, Oxford, in the United Kingdom, conducting research into the sociological implications of white supremacy and neo-Nazism. Upon returning to the US, she lived and worked in Montgomery, Alabama, where she worked for the Southern Poverty Law Center as an investigative journalist, researching white supremacist and neo-Nazi organizations. She also worked as a summer associate for voting rights and election law for the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund.
At Harvard Law School she was editor of the Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review. From 2002–2004, she served as the Voting Rights Policy Coordinator of the Harvard Civil Rights Project, a non-profit organization that sought to link academic research to civil rights advocacy efforts.
When elected in 2018, she became the first Democrat to occupy the Secretary of State’s Office in Michigan since 1994.
It was in Detroit where election observers were kept at a distance, and their ability to watch the vote counting was obscured by paper placed in windows.
Jocelyn Benson is typical of the ideological views of the candidates raised and funded by Soros and DASS...hardcore leftists.
When Soros isn't funding Secretary of State candidates in the critical swing states, he's funding radical leftist District Attorneys that have turned Philadelphia and many other Democrat controlled cities into crime ridden cesspools. Dangerous criminals aren't arrested and if they are arrested they aren't prosecuted and if they are prosecuted they are released with a slap on the wrist. Crimes continues to SOAR in Democrat cities but it's worse in Dem cities with Soros DA's.
Getting back to the issue of Secretary of State, Republicans need to understand how powerful they are and getting rid of radical Soros backed Secretaries of State almost always requires turning the state red at the gubernatorial, attorney general and Secretary of State level because voters tend to vote the R or D straight ticket, not individual candidates. Voters need to be convinced that honest elections are absolutely vital to a functioning democracy and nobody, not Democrat or Republican, should ever have the power to illegally usurp and corrupt the system just to steal an election. To do so is to cross the Rubicon and transition an already fragile and flawed democracy to totalitarian tyranny.
Furthermore, the issue of campaign finance needs to be addressed. If elections and primaries are supposed to be We the People things, than only We the People should be funding them and definitely not Soros or Zuckerberg or corporations or the MIC or Big Pharm or PAC's and Super PAC's. These need to be OUTLAWED because it clearly opens the door for the rich and powerful to literally control elections, their outcomes and public policy.
Right now America is a farce of a democracy. We are a nation of the oligarchs, rich and powerful, by the oligarchs, rich and power and for the oligarchs, rich and powerful.
Folks, this ain't democracy. We have two choices here: create a reasonably honest and functioning democracy devoid of special interest influence or plan for revolution.