The Boston Bombing that was allegedly carried out by two Chechen immigrants from Chechnya has raised the issue of Islamic terrorism. While most Americans don't know the difference between a Czech and a Chechen, as noted by Politico -
Czech official: We're not Chechen, what is really missing from the story is the history, geopolitics of the region, US foreign policy and the insidious US/House of Saud connection.
Folks like to think that it's never about religion but it's always about religion because religion dominates law, culture and human civilizations. The historical conflicts between Islam and Christianity are a profoundly critical component of current events, even if they are being twisted to comport with the government's deceitful version of realpolitik and its accompanying deceptions.
Chechnya is located in a region known as the Caucasus, a strip of land north of Iran, south of Russia, bordered by Turkey and nestled between the Caspian and Black Seas. It's been a highly contentious patch of dirt throughout history for geopolitical as well as religious reasons while chronically embroiled in the Great Game of of the Austria-Hungary Empire, the Ottoman Empire, the Russian Empire and even the British Empire.

In terms of landmass, Russia is still the largest nation on the planet despite losing a huge chunk of its real estate during the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991. With a long and intriguing history, Russia grew geographically as a result of its wars to keep the Mongols and Ottomans at bay. In 1991, the Soviet Union lost its northern territories of Belarus (3), Estonia (4), Latvia (8), Lithuania (9), Moldova (10) and the Ukraine (14); it lost its southern territories of Armenia (1), Azerbaijan (2), Georgia (5), Kazakhstan (6), Kyrgyzstan (7), Tajikistan (12), Turkmenistan (13) and Uzbekistan (15).

The reasons for the break-up of the Soviet Union are the subject of considerable scholarly dispute. Some attribute the break-up to US agitation and US support for the Islamists during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Others attribute it to economic collapse triggered by the Afghan War. In any event, other nations in central Europe were breaking away from the Soviet Union and these nations were wrongly and immorally ceded to Stalin at the end of WW II by Churchill and Roosevelt - Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, and Albania.
Russia never ceded its southern Chechnya province to the instigators for independence and for geopolitical reasons. Thoughtout its long history, Russia's enemies struck hard at Russian trade by depriving it of a warm water port and this was devastating to the Russian economy where its northern ports were frozen tundras during the winter. Consequently Russia has always been obsessed with having a secure warm water port. Moreover, the Caspian Sea is loaded with oil.
Caspian Sea oil find could be 'biggest this year'
Iran Finds Its First Caspian Sea Oil for More Than a Century
Complicating the geopolitical issues and the endless quest for the black gold is the ongoing Muslim civil war between the Sunnis and the Shiites who are concentrated in Iran and Iraq. Oil creates commodity wealth and nations murder and wage wars for dominance of oil and oil markets. Is the US determination to "bomb, bomb, bomb Iran" an oil war? Of course it is and the US has always sided with Sunni Islam and especially the horrid House of Saud, all to the detriment Shiite Islam. Incidentally, neither Iran nor Iraq nor Iranians nor Iraqis were ever involved in terrorism against the US or western interests. 911, the USS Cole bombings, the bombings of 2 US embassies in Africa, the London bombing, the Mumbai bombing, the Bali bombing, the Madrid bombings and all other acts of Islamist terror were all acts of Sunni Salifist Wahhabists, the rabid form of Islam born in Saudi Arabia in the 18th century.
The issue of the Boston Bombers isn't so much about radical Islam as it is about the evil US-Saudi alliance to spread radical Sunni Salafist Wahhabism as far and wide as possible. In fact, Soviet Muslims were not radical at all but with the break-up of the Soviet Union and all the instability that ensured post break-up, the US and the Saudis wasted no time in funding, training and arming violent Sunni jihad warriors. This is nothing new and the US and Saudis have a long history of jointly working together to create and spread radicalized Sunni Islam. At least since the days of Jimmy Carter, the US, the CIA and the Saudis have worked together to breed Sunni jihadists and Carter intervened in Afghanistan to arm and fund the Afghan Mujuhadeen, now the Taliban.
There can be no doubt that during the break-up of the Soviet Union that the US, the CIA and the Saudis flooded former Russian territories with money, radical mosques and jihad clerics.
In light of the Boston Bombing, Global Research is providing incredible documentation and background on this issue.
BOSTON TRUTH: The “Chechen Connection”, Al Qaeda and the Boston Marathon Bombings
In addition to discussing the draconian assaults on US civil liberties and invoking a revival of the War on Terror to terrorize Americans into relinquishing their civil liberties through a significantly strengthened totalitarian American militarized police state, there is far more than totalitarian political expediency at work here. The Global Research issues documents the history of US involvement with the Saudis.