I'm a fairly frequent inmate of Wokebook's Gulag; it's Nazi Wokester censors have targeted me because I post good stuff, relevant stuff and speak the truth. I'm rather HONORED because I'm just a nobody but LOL a highly curious nobody.
On December 24, 2021 I earned a permanent ban from Twitter, documented in this blog post along with other nasty Facebook assaults.
When #Facebook & #Twitter Censor Big Names & Nobodies, You Know Their Woke Nazis Are Running SCARED
Very recently, Facebook censored me over a Julian Assange post.
All I did was post a link about Julian Assange's imprisonment in Belmarsh Prison for a thousand days! That harmless post apparently set off Facebook Nazi censors!
My social media activism focuses on peace, liberty and economic prosperity for all. My antiwar activism drove the Facebook and Twitter warlords MAD. I was tossed in FB jail for 90 for calling the Saudis savages for their genocidal homicidal war on the Houthi in Yemen. That told me that FB employs a lot of Saudi stooges aka Sunni Salafist Wahhabist aks Sunni terrorists to shut down any criticism of the evil House of Saud and Wahhabism.
Many antiwar activists have been censored by social media. Big antiwar names Daniel McAdams (Ron Paul Institute) and Peter VanBuren were permanently banned on Twitter just because of their antiwar activism.
Currently, the censorship is largely focused on criticism of COVID vaccines, the FDA, CDC, Anthony Fauci, mask mandates, vaccine mandates and a slew of doctors and medical professionals who are highly critical of lockdowns, masking and vaccines. Dr. Robert Malone, a high profile doctor who invented the mRNA gene therapy 'vaccine' was permanently banned by Twitter.
Of course, refusing to genuflect before Furher Fauci and accept him as your lord and savior will also get you booted from social media. I was heavily pimping for Robert F. Kennedy's extraordinary book, The Real Anthony Fauci. That played a huge part in my censorship.
Buy this book and continue the fight for truth.