Saturday, January 15, 2022

Got tossed in Facebook jail for 30 days for this Jan. 14, 2022 Peter Navarro Quote


I'm a fairly frequent inmate of Wokebook's Gulag; it's Nazi Wokester censors have targeted me because I post good stuff, relevant stuff and speak the truth.  I'm rather HONORED because I'm just a nobody but LOL a highly curious nobody. 

On December 24, 2021 I earned a permanent ban from Twitter, documented in this blog post along with other nasty Facebook assaults. 

When #Facebook & #Twitter Censor Big Names & Nobodies, You Know Their Woke Nazis Are Running SCARED

Because of chronic Twitter and Facebook censorship, all of which is totally unjustified because I'm never broken any rules or violated Community Standards, I have decided to document my censorship experiences.  

Very recently, Facebook censored me over a Julian Assange post.

Facebook Censorship is getting worse, far worse. It's latest enemy is Julian Assange.

All I did was post a link about Julian Assange's imprisonment in Belmarsh Prison for a thousand days!  That harmless post apparently set off Facebook Nazi censors! 

My social media activism focuses on peace, liberty and economic prosperity for all.  My antiwar activism drove the Facebook and Twitter warlords MAD.  I was tossed in FB jail for 90 for calling the Saudis savages for their genocidal homicidal war on the Houthi in Yemen.  That told me that FB employs a lot of Saudi stooges aka Sunni Salafist Wahhabist aks Sunni terrorists to shut down any criticism of the evil House of Saud and Wahhabism. 

Many antiwar activists have been censored by social media.  Big antiwar names Daniel McAdams (Ron Paul Institute) and Peter VanBuren were permanently banned on Twitter just because of their antiwar activism. 

Currently, the censorship is largely focused on criticism of COVID vaccines, the FDA, CDC,  Anthony Fauci, mask mandates, vaccine mandates and a slew of doctors and medical professionals who are highly critical of lockdowns, masking and vaccines.  Dr. Robert Malone, a high profile doctor who invented the mRNA gene therapy 'vaccine' was permanently banned by Twitter.  

Of course, refusing to genuflect before Furher Fauci and accept him as your lord and savior will also get you booted from social media.  I was heavily pimping for Robert F. Kennedy's extraordinary book, The Real Anthony Fauci.  That played a huge part in my censorship. 

Buy this book and continue the fight for truth.  

Meanwhile, we know that we are winning!  Don't give up, don't give in and never genuflect before evil.  FIGHT IT TODAY AND FIGHT IT EVERY DAY because truth and justice are gifts that can never be stopped by censors, wokesters and evil. 

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Facebook Censorship is getting worse, far worse. It's latest enemy is Julian Assange.


Having been permanently banned by Twitter, explained here, I'm a chronic victim of social media censorship, abuse by FB Nazi psychopaths and other forms of punishment including being shadowbanned out of existence and frequent sentences to Facebook's Woke Gulag.  OKAY, I'm used to it but this morning, the censorship reached a new level of oppression and abuse. 

It wasn't over my antiwar activism or posting COVID truth or even my usual rants calling for free speech and the restoration of civil liberties, this particular form of abuse and censorship was over Julian Assange. 

The offending post: 

#JulianAssange: A Thousand Days In Belmarsh #FreeAssange
 Assange is a liberty hero and political prisoner.

The post linked to its title: JulianAssange: A Thousand Days In Belmarsh 

The article is innocent enough, nothing offensive in it but that didn't stop Facebook censors from refusing to post it with this insane comment: 

Your post couldn't be shared, because this link goes against our Community Standards 

For the life of me, I can't see how this post could possibly violate Community Standards in any way. An excerpt from the article:  

Julian Assange has now been in the maximum-security facilities of Belmarsh prison for over 1,000 days. On the occasion of his 1,000th day of imprisonment, campaigners, supporters and kindred spirits gathered to show their support, indignation and solidarity at this political detention most foul.

Alison Mason of the Julian Assange Defence Committee reiterated those observations long made about the imprisonment at a gathering outside the Australian High Commission in London on that day. The WikiLeaks founder was wrongfully confined “for publishing the war crimes of the US military leaked to him by whistleblower Chelsea Manning.” She, along with supporters, had gathered before the High Commission “because Julian’s country could save him with a simple phone call.” Mason’s admirably simple reasoning: that Australia had “a bargaining chip with AUKUS and trade deals.” If only that were true. 

The continued detention of Assange in Belmarsh remains a scandal of kaleidoscopic cruelty. It continues to imperil his frail health, further impaired by a stroke suffered in October last year and the ongoing risks associated with COVID-19. It maintains a state of indefinite incarceration without bail, deputising the United Kingdom as committed gaolers for US interests. “Julian,” stated his fiancée Stella Moris, “is simply held at the request of the US government while they continue to abuse the US-UK extradition treaty for political ends.” 

It's clearly obvious that Facebook is indeed an agent of the state and its evil.  It's cruel and ruthless opposition to truth and justice couldn't be more glaringly apparent. 


Tuesday, January 4, 2022

When #Facebook & #Twitter Censor Big Names & Nobodies, You Know Their Woke Nazis Are Running SCARED


A ton of big names and nobodies like myself have experienced a lot of censorship on #Facebook and #Twitter.  Many have been permanently banned.  I got a permanent Twitter ban on 12/24/2021 for this harmless and comment. 

#Ivermectin is not easy to get. It's very effective in treating COVID but #AnthonyFauci, #BigPharm & the big pharm controlled #AMA hate it because it's cheap, off patent and even available over the counter in some countries. Ivermectin is a proven life saver.


I knew I was a short-timer on #Twitter when this comment and meme got me a 7 day suspension. 

I've read about this. #HospitalProtocols also denied patients live saving drugs like #Ivermectin and #HCQ. Hospital protocols definitely warrant an investigation. COVID deaths or murder for profit? 


It wasn't just comments and memes that infuriated Twitter censors.  I had also been heavily and almost daily pimping for the extraordinary MUST READ book by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. titled The Real Anthony Fauci. 

Although I've experienced many other censorship assaults by Twitter's woke censors, the above are just the most recent and the posts that earned me a permanent ban, something I proudly wear as a badge of honor.  

Moving on to Facebook, it's been engaging in a multi-pronged attack on me for years. Like Twitter, Facebook knows I've broken no rules.  Facebook censorship include the typical shadowban along with my posts being covered up as untrue by its fact checkers.

My Facebook page is RESTRICTED with the message: Only You Can See This. 

Yes, I get messages from FB friends that my posts no longer show up in their feeds...they thought I left FB or was permanently banned.  May as well have been.  

Anyway FB sends me crazy ass notices.  Just today (January 4, 2022) I got this creepy notice on an August 16, 2013 post that linked to an article from The Atlantic.  Now The Atlantic is as far to the lunatic woke left as you can get.  So what drove Facebook censors out of their freaking minds over a 9 year old post?  This photo earned the wrath of its censors "We covered your post because it may show graphic content This post doesn't go against our Community Standards, but it may be sensitive to some people."  How crazy is this on an ancient post!  BTW the post links to an article that does contain violence images but it is indeed very legitimate news. 

Deadly Crackdown in Egypt

 On December 29, 2021, Facebook finds another old post; this one is dated 5/4/2017 and this notice came with a stated violation: "Your post goes against our Community Standards on nudity or sexual activity".  There is nothing sexual about the image that I'm sure got posted heavily on Twitter and Facebook. It's just an image of a crazy woman strolling naked through an airport. The article links to a British tabloid The Sun & the photo just auto posted. 

NOTHING TO DECLARE Naked woman filmed strolling through airport before bending over in front of shocked passengers and yelling ‘I don’t give a f***’

Yeah, news can indeed be creepy but it is what it is.  It doesn't make it obscene or pronographic. Anyway, these are just 2 Facebook examples of censorship and when you start to get them you know a 30 day or 90 day Facebook jail sentence will soon follow.  

Do I care?  NO.  With so many folks being censored, purged and shadowbanned by Twitter and Facebook Nazi thugs, folks are migrating to other social media options.  Right now GAB and MeWe are popular with me because I haven't been shut down or censored.  

Anyway, I do enjoy documenting social media censorship. 

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